Technology in the study of movement / Machines in our lives (Fan)

in Project HOPE4 years ago



We continue to search for any mechanical system or machine that man has developed using knowledge of the phenomenon of movement, and as we know that this knowledge has been provided by the essential link between science and technology, we can say that circular motion has represented a type of mobility that is fundamental to the design of important machines, especially those related to ventilation.

Much could be said about the negative or positive aspect of any type of machine. The truth is that our environment is full of them, and over time they have been improved or perfected thanks to extraordinary technological advances, taking into account our point of view which expresses that technology is nothing more than applied science.

At the beginning of this article they were able to observe a mechanical system known as a fan, this type of apparatus or machine equipped with certain mechanisms that develop a circular movement, without a doubt, we could observe it in our houses with the purpose of refreshing ourselves, but it is also possible to observe it in more complex systems to carry out the aforementioned characteristic.

Therefore, this particular system from its beginnings has represented one of the most used machines by the man through its history, and at the present time we can continue observing them as the one presented at the beginning of this presentation or as component of air conditioning systems by means of an air conditioner, in short, the same one we have used it with the purpose of covering a necessity to acclimatize a certain physical space where we are.


We know as a fan a mechanical system or fluid machine, or more specifically that machine that transfers certain energy thus managing to generate a certain pressure with which it is possible to maintain a current or permanent flow of air, the utility of these machines is very varied since it is possible to implement it in ventilation processes of certain spaces, another interesting application and very common around us is for the cooling of other machines or certain objects, also to move gases but usually air.

This type of conventional machine is constituted mainly by rotary blades which as we know act on the air dispersing it in certain space, either closed or open, these blades generally we observe them inside a structure or box that serves like protective support of the same ones, and this way it is managed to direct such flow of air to the wished place, this we can observe it in the gif at the beginning of this presentation.

From the first manual fans with fixed handle to the present time, we have witnessed in the last years the advances in these machines, where, according to their support they can be wall, table, floor, pedestal, ceiling, without blades (propeller) and these last ones of great technological innovation, and among the most common types are the tubular, axial, jet fans, among others.

To close with this analysis in a general way related to the machines known as fans or turbo-fans we can say that these mechanical systems play an important role during the air conditioning and air conditioning of certain spaces, as is the case of the air conditioner, being these systems much more efficient, friendly to our environment and designed with innovative technologies, as we can see below in figure 1.

Figure 1. Fan as an essential component of an air conditioner

Gif_Figura 1.gif


Many are the machines that surround us and that fulfill certain functions in our lives, among them we easily find the very well known fans or turbo-fans, and they help us to cool certain components or machines, but they also allow us to ventilate certain spaces, in short they have been very useful for their multiple applications.

In the presentation of this publication we find a floor fan or turbofan widely used in many of our homes, but the technological journey has been very interesting from the first fans to the most current, the important thing is to highlight the joint action between science and technology in the creation or design of these important machines in our lives.

Until another time my dear and appreciated readers.

Note: The images are of my authorship, made using the Power Point application, and the animated gifs were made with the Photoscape application.

Recommended Bibliographic Reference

[1]Axial Fans.


Hello friend, interesting topic, technology has advanced in almost every aspect I think today anything we have in our homes has been perfected over the years. Greetings!

Greetings friend @franyeligonzales, thank you for commenting and leaving your important contribution, you are right in our homes we have things or devices that over time have been perfected. Greetings.

Hello @rbalzan79 we have made an interesting tour with your articles on different artifacts or equipment that have been emblematic and of great help to society, the fan is one of those artifacts that allows us to acclimate above all in our agroeological zones that are very hot.

Goodbye friend, I hope you are well !

Greetings friend @amestyj, you are right the fan has been one of the essential machines for our social welfare. Greetings dear friend and have a good time. Successes.

Most technologies are little things that led to very much bigger things. The principle behind the fan and how it exchanges the hot air with the cooler air just goes further to describe how possible everything is if we apply the right approach.

Greetings @joelagbo, excellent your appreciation, of small designs the man to be able to insert them in more complex systems and this way to improve in many of the cases our quality of life.

Great article. Technology is growing, advancing and making life easier and sometimes imagine how the world will really look like without technology been present

Greetings @mandato, one could say that the technological development of recent years has been exponential, and there is still much more to come.

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