Technology in the study of movement / Machines in our lives (Bicycle)

in Project HOPE4 years ago



We continue in the search of any mechanical system or machine designed by man with the purpose of facilitating some type of activity, this route also allows us to continue highlighting the advances of technology through time, and of course, linked these advances to any knowledge granted by science in relation to the so essential phenomenon of movement, therefore, we continue expressing that technology is applied science.

We continue in the search of any mechanical system or machine designed by man with the purpose of facilitating some type of activity, this route also allows us to continue highlighting the advances of technology through time, and of course, linked these advances to any knowledge granted by science in relation to the so essential phenomenon of movement, therefore, we continue expressing that technology is applied science.

In this opportunity we will speak in a general way about the bicycles, and we could say that since its invention it has been of great help for all of us, since we were children we dreamed of having one of these machines, and to enjoy any walk mounted on it, these machines are very used as a means of transport and its great virtue is that they are a means of healthy, economic, sustainable and mainly ecological transport.

In my country Venezuela are widely used, highlighting that there was a time when we hardly saw them due to the arrival of other mechanical systems such as motorcycles and cars, however, with the economic problems of the country and the shortage of fuel (gasoline) returned to the streets massively these important machines that we usually call bicycles, this last aspect is repeated in developed countries due to the above, ie fuel, an example of this is represented by Asian countries such as China, to name one of many examples.


This type of machine, as we know, represents a type of vehicle or means of personal transport and that in order to move, it needs to be driven by the occupant, that is to say, an impulse of the muscular effort of the legs of a certain human being, but the important thing is that thanks to this remarkable action, this mobility, does not generate any pollution, therefore, we could say that this would be its main positive aspect.

This type of machine throughout history has suffered from many innovations until reaching the model of bicycle with pedals, as seen in the image gif at the beginning of this article, highlighting its variation in terms of its body or structure that supports all components of that machine, ie was modified to the model called diamond frame, and this model is one of the best known through its history.

We must emphasize that due to the creation of our types of materials, the bicycles have been modernized more and more, although the general principle remains the same, but with the possibility of less effort to the driver at the time of moving through routes of different angles of inclination, or just the fact of being manufactured with less heavy materials, all these improvements caused by technological advances.

A great diversity of bicycle models can be found in our environment, and we can observe them in different areas or disciplines related to certain activities of the human being, in our homes we usually have at least one of these for our sons and daughters, but any of us can have them, for a walk or to scare us a little as we can observe in the following image.

Figure 1.jpg


When observing our environment we can realize the important influence that any type of machine has in our lives, since they have facilitated the realization of a certain activity in spite of the fact that sometimes they have affected jobs that were performed by human beings, the important thing is to learn to live with them.

However, in this opportunity we talk in a general way about the bicycle, an extraordinary machine created by the man with the purpose of being able to move more quickly, and the most important thing they allow us to be healthy, and in addition, without generating pollution to our so essential environment.

The purpose of these publications is to highlight the great achievements made by man throughout his history, among which are undoubtedly the creation of any type of machine, being among these the bicycle, and as we know over time these charming machines have suffered from innovative changes, generated basically by the arrival of the creation of new materials used for each component to manufacture the mechanisms that make possible the proper functioning of bicycles.

At the beginning of this presentation we can visualize a beautiful model of an old bicycle, noticing with that model the changes achieved until the present time, although the principle or general purpose is the same, a machine to move us with greater speed and without the use of some type of fuel, only by the action of our potential energy, as we have expressed the important thing is to emphasize the joint action between science and technology in the creation or design of these extraordinary and important machines in our lives.

Until another time my dear and appreciated readers.

Note: The images of the gif at the beginning of the publication are my own, made with the Power Point application, and the animated gif was made with the Photoscape application.

Bibliographical reference consulted and recommended

[1]The evolution of the bicycle.


Hello friend, the truth is that the bicycles are excellent as you say they have many benefits, starting with being a means of transport, here in Bogota is used a lot, so you save a lot on travel because here life is expensive. It also helps us to maintain our health. It is excellent that despite the years it is still present and much more modern.

Hello @franyeligonzalez, thanks for your visit to my blog, it's true that bikes are still present in our transport activities, mainly because they don't need fuel, which in the end makes a lot of difference. Greetings and successes.

Hello friend @rbalzan, what a good article, it takes me back to my childhood time where going out by bike was the maximum, as you say nowadays they have become fashionable in our country, because of the difficulties with the fuel.

Nowadays you can find very updated models compared to those of those times, nowadays they even come with very modern shock absorbers.

Friend I liked to read your article, the gif image looked very good. See you soon !

Greetings friend @amestyj, those times when as children we rode a bike, I think it is a joy that children still have this time despite the great advances in other types of transport machines, as you say my friend today's bikes are more comfortable to handle the ones that make them more coveted, thanks friend for your visit and successes for you and your family.

they are great invent that move the world.

I went to my childhood, And I remember I never had a bicycle that made me try hard in other stuff.

Good post!.

Greetings friend @reinaldoverdu, it is certain the man has created essential machines that motorize to the world and with it each one of our more daily activities, and between these machines without doubts is the bicycle, thanks for your visit and successes for you.

Thanks for the support. Greetings

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