Technology in the Study of Light / Refractor Telescope

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Gif_Telescopio Refractor.gif


We continue as we have done so far, that is, observing our environment in order to highlight the enormous and vital importance of the essential nexus between science and technology, and thereby strengthening the conceptual aspect related to the approach that we have outlined and which indicates that technology is applied science, this feature has been demonstrated in each of the previous articles.

On many occasions we observe and use any type of technological tools without stopping to think about all the knowledge and techniques behind the invention or creation of the same, and in addition we must always emphasize that all this learning or knowledge we have extracted from our perfect and exemplary nature, using as we have already expressed the wonderful field of science and with it the transfer of scientific knowledge to any other area related to our exponential evolution as it is the technological field.

It is important to point out that we have been able to observe and study our wonderful universe thanks to the creation of beautiful and useful optical devices, of which in previous publications we have already linked in a general way with some of them such as; the microscope, binoculars, photographic camera, overhead projector, LCD projector, sextant, video camera and in this opportunity we will do it with the refracting telescope.

In a general way we can say that we have used this type of optical device to be able to observe any type of object or body that is found at very long distances, an essential characteristic that has allowed it to be an important optical instrument in the field of astronomy since as we know our outer space is full of innumerable stars or celestial bodies.

The Telescope

Throughout our rich history, man has been able to design or manufacture excellent optical observation tools, and without doubt, among them we find the telescope, this complex optical system has allowed us to expand the knowledge of our vast outer space where our galaxy (Milky Way) and within it our wonderful solar system, and this at the same time as we know is occupied by beautiful stars or heavenly bodies, such as stars, moons, comets, planets, among many others.

Each body or object around us emits its own luminous rays with which it is possible to generate the images that reach our retina, in this same way the bodies of our outer space emit their light and with which through optical systems such as telescopes we can capture these forms in images that reach our retinas, it is important to emphasize that we can find telescopes of two types such as the refracting telescope and the reflecting telescope, such aspects related to the particular optical components implemented inside them for the treatment of the captured luminous rays, in this opportunity we will know in a general way the refracting telescopes.

The Refractor Telescope

This type of telescope is called this way because it uses in its interior some types of lenses with which they can get to refract the luminous rays coming from the objects or bodies that are wanted to visualize, and this way to treat the light emitted by these bodies and to generate the images that our eyes will visualize, therefore, it is important to indicate that different types of arrangements of lenses have been used in the interior of these complex optical systems, between which we have convergent - convergent, convergent - divergent among others as they will be able to observe next in the following figure 1.

Figure 1. Lens arrangements inside a refracting telescope


In the previous figure they could observe different types of lens arrangements inside a refracting telescope with which it is possible to refract the luminous rays emitted by the bodies or objects to be studied, and that at first sight would be possible to us, these arrangements allowed the elaboration of these optical instruments like the one observed in the gif at the beginning of this publication.


On this occasion we were able to continue demonstrating that the understanding of the phenomenon of light through physical science and its geometric optics has been fundamental for the manufacture of extraordinary optical instruments such as telescopes, in this case the reflector, and where technology has been responsible for applying the scientific knowledge described above and over time these instruments are increasingly accurate in generating the sharpest and most impressive images captured from our outer space.

The implementation of lenses (convergent and divergent) characterizes this type of refracting telescope because through these particular and simple artificial optical systems is possible to treat the light rays emitted by any body or object in our environment and thus through the phenomenon of refraction generate images that reach our retina, and thus know and enjoy our beautiful outer space.

Until another opportunity my dear and appreciated readers.

Note: The images are of my authorship, made using the Power Point application, and the animated gif was made with the Photoscape application.

Recommended Bibliographic Reference

[1]Making a refractor telescope.

[2]Refracting Telescopes




Greetings friend, excellent article as always educating us, I consider these optical instruments very practical to observe images of our outer space.

See you later brother, have an excellent week!

Greetings friend @amestyj, thanks for your great contribution and it is true that these optical instruments are very useful for the knowledge of our outer space. Successes friend.

Thanks to technology from the simplest to the avant-garde, we have shown ourselves in the history of humanity, to see science with another philosophy and the reality of things, from the birth of the first design of the solar system, to the creation of a traveling probe. To conquer the cosmos and the celestial body, our reality is another, good article friend.

Saludos @ newton666 , es cierto lo que mencionas las aplicaciones tecnológicas son en cualquier aspecto de nuestra vida desde el más simple o particular como el más complejo o compuesto como el instrumento presentado en este artículo, gracias amigo por tu valioso aporte. Éxitos.

 4 years ago 

Hi @rbalzan79

I believe that this use of this technological tool has helped many people and I include myself, I wear glasses and my daughters and my wife, but also in the scientific world it is usually very helpful to be able to observe very closely other worlds both external and internal at a macro level and at a microbiological level.

Saludos @Lanzjoseg .
Excelente amigo punto de vista ya que nuestros sistemas ópticos naturales se han beneficiado enormemente con la implementación de diferentes clases o tipos de lentes ya que de esta manera podemos hacer llegar los rayos luminosos emitidos por cualquier objeto o cuerpo de nuestro entorno a nuestro natural. pantalla como es la retina generando de esta forma una imagen clara, gracias por tu extraordinario aporte. Éxitos.

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