Sometimes we feel we lose the light that illuminates our path to success / Personal reflection

in Project HOPE3 years ago



Greetings again my dear readers of this prestigious platform, I hope you are all very well and that every day that passes you can advance in your goals, all this even though sometimes we feel that we lose the illumination of the road to success, however, we can not allow ourselves to slow down because although the darkness is the product of the absence of light, we must go in search of that light and follow our path to success raised.

Each and every one of us could express that due to the light it is possible to observe everything around us, this aspect certainly from the material point of view, however, we could implement in a metaphorical way the essential effect of light towards those aspects related to any kind of blockage of our minds.

Who could oppose the fact that when walking through a dark space it is much easier to do it with light, in the same way it happens to us when our mind is blocked and clouded, leaving everything in darkness, and of course, our course will be totally uncertain, or at least our actions will be stopped in the search of our goals.

Our mind is linked to innumerable emotions that in one way or another influence our normal functioning at a certain moment of our existence, in general, each one of us has a source that illuminates every step we take in the passage of our physical existence and it is usually a loved one, and when this source is turned off, sometimes we find it difficult to illuminate the path on our own.



In relation to the above, we could say that we lose our horizon, that is to say, our orientation in life and we fall into a time lapse where nothing matters to us and everything is the same to us, even though we try to do everything possible to encourage us to continue, but it is very difficult to do so, however, other people around us can become both our source of inspiration and enlightenment and be able to overcome the trance where we are trapped by difficult situations that we face in life.

Therefore, even though sometimes we feel that the light that illuminates our path has disappeared, we must be able to radiate our own light, if that light that at some point a special being transmitted to us in a certain period of our existence, and in this way, show that we can learn from their teachings, and also, we managed to accumulate that light that so often allowed us to illuminate our path or road to success raised.



Until another opportunity my dear friends, our minds have all the capacity that we want, we just have to let our mental capacity flow naturally, and in this way, we will achieve everything we want in life.



Hi @rbalzan79, very good metaphor and reflection that you share with us, starting from the fact where sometimes our ideas seem to have come to an end and our mind is clouded, which is reflected in front of an immense and pronounced darkness, at this point I usually stop everything I do and decide to go for a walk with the aim of clearing that fog that does not let me see clearly the ideas that we can produce. We continue reading colleague

Hi @madridbg.

You are absolutely right my friend, sometimes our mind is clouded and does not allow us to think clearly and we feel disoriented, however, we have to keep in mind that we have the ability to clear our mind and restore our vision with our own light.

Thank you for your great contribution, greetings and many successes, we keep reading.

Hello friend @rbalzan79. It is true that many times it seems to us that the light that illuminates our horizons goes out a little and we do not get how to return that light to normal, the most important thing is that we must be able to radiate our own light, the light that we transmitted a loved one and take example of his teachings and undertake our own light to success. Greetings and thank you for this very interesting reflection

Hello woman friend @sandracarrascal.

That's right, sometimes we can lose our source of inspiration and with it our enlightenment towards the path to success, the important thing is that we have the ability to radiate our own light and thus return to the path of success raised. Greetings and many blessings to you and your family.

Hi friend @rbalzan79!
Definitely in life we go through those moments where we turn off, and we find it hard to see the light on the road, that's where I meditate a lot and I cling to prayer to find the light to guide my way, even though our beings of light are not with us they will always illuminate our life from wherever they are. Thank you for sharing beautiful reflections, greetings!

Greetings friend @rbalzan79, the reflection that you bring us today is very nice, especially because it allows us to think about not only we feel but what we can do to feel better.

I in particular consider that human beings energy and as such we can "radiate" or "turn it off" and even "share" it with others, hence it is important to see what the type of energy we handle is like and what the type of energy is like. energy that surrounds us, because as with the viruses that we have to take care of, the same happens energetically, so it is important to stay positive, optimistic and surround ourselves with people with "good vibes" to keep our energy levels high and therefore our light does not go out.

Thank you very much for your beautiful publication my friend!

Hello friend @karupanocitizen.

You share with us an extraordinary contribution, where it is important to highlight what you express:

I particularly consider that the energy of the human being and as such we can "radiate" it or "turn it off" and even "share" it with others, hence it is important to see how is the type of energy we handle and what is the type of energy is like. energy that surrounds us.

Therefore I share what you express in relation to the fact that we must be united with people who transmit us a lot of positive energy. Greetings and many successes.

Hello friend @rbalzan79

I stay with this expression "we could implement in a metaphorical way the essential effect of light towards those aspects related. to any kind of blockage of our minds", in our lives beyond the material and visible, we are also dominated by existential energy that allows us to make transcendental life decisions.

Best regards, be well.

Hello friend @lupafilotaxia.

Extraordinary contribution that you share with us in this opportunity, the light has great influence in our lives and with it we can make various similarities with many aspects related to our behavior in every way, it is important to highlight what you express:

We are also dominated by the existential energy that allows us to make transcendental decisions in life.

It is very true what you express. Greetings and many successes.

Greetings friend, an interesting reflection, really the darkness comes to the absence of light, so we must keep that flame burning that has driven us initially to walk the path, many times it will go out, for one reason or another, but once set in motion we must shine with our own light and thus avoid giving up.

That's right my dear friend, sometimes we feel wrapped by a certain darkness that overshadows the light that illuminates our path, however, we can reverse this action and achieve to emit a stronger light and overcome the darkness and thus continue towards the successes raised. Greetings and many successes.

Greetings dear friend, this is a wonderful post. There are times when it seems the light that directs us has gone off indeed, it is at this point that we must be ready to illuminate our own light and keep pushing no matter how rough the road is.

Hello dear friend, you are absolutely right when you say that sometimes we feel that the light that illuminates our path is hidden or turned off at some point and we see everything cloudy, but the important thing is to learn from it and to radiate our own light because it will be our guarantee towards the road to success. Greetings and many blessings to you and your family.

I love the aspect where you hinted that even though we lost that light we should be able to radiate our own light too. We just can't seat down and be waiting to leave on other people's light, we just have to know when to put ours up. Life will not always goes your way, rise up and do the needful.

You are absolutely right my friend, sometimes other people illuminate our paths, but, we must keep in mind that our own light is the one that will guarantee us the route to follow on the road to success, and prove that we can go ahead in life and be as happy as possible. Thank you for your great contribution. Greetings.

Hello there, mate. The most inspiring aspect of your post is the motivating emotion between the words, which motivates many of us not to surrender when our soul light fades or grows dimmer.

Our happiness begins with our mental desire to be happy; I thoroughly loved reading your words, and please keep up the good work.

Hello friend, actually I am pleased that you liked the words of my article, since that is the intention, that is, to convey all my feeling in every word and to reach the readers and motivate them as much as possible, thank you for your excellent contribution my friend, I wish you much success for you and yours. Greetings.

Greetings @rbalzan79, I find very interesting this topic that you share with us today. However, it is important to note that we must learn to shine with our own light, in other words we can not depend on third parties, because when that person is not there we lose the horizon of our life. I think it is valid that saying that you must learn to love yourself to love others. Thank you for sharing this beautiful reflection

Hi @sidalim88.

Of course, we have to learn to shine on our own, but nevertheless, as a human species we learn from everything around us and when this is exhausted we must have the ability to do it by ourselves, therefore, be able to radiate our own capabilities as is the case of our internal energy.

Thank you for your wonderful contribution. Greetings and many successes.

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