Let's leave emotional blocks asidesteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE2 years ago



Greetings again my dear friends I hope you are all well, we can say that mental blocks can be the order of the day, for example; my vehicle broke down unexpectedly, and we have a lot of things or errands to do, at that moment we feel like our mind begins to cloud, and we stop seeing clearly our horizon of the day.

This is due to the simple fact that we do not show confidence in certain activity we do, therefore, it is a psychological barrier that we impose on ourselves, and when we do this, we cannot think clearly, so we doubt and feel that our thoughts suffer constant cuts or interruptions of our ideas.

When we feel that we have no control over a certain situation, and especially of ourselves, it is because we are trapped by this psychological blockage, this happens to all of us, so it would not be the biggest problem, the important thing is not to let ourselves be kidnapped by our emotions without letting us move forward to the solution that we must obtain.



We constantly share with a large number of people, and sometimes we clearly notice some signs of someone experiencing this type of emotional blockage, many are the examples, feeling afraid to start a business for fear of failure, when fear dominates you and you are already immersed in mental failure, when we do not dare to talk to someone out of shyness or feel fear of being rejected, not having motivation, full of pessimism, among others.

The main causes of emotional blockage are fear and insecurity, these emotions make our brain feel fear, fear is the most known and experienced emotion by human beings, or we could say, by any living species on planet Earth, controlled fear is considered the emotion that helps us to survive, since, without feeling fear, we would walk everywhere in a reckless manner, putting our own life at risk.

We find ourselves immersed in contexts of diverse complexities, where generally the economic and social situation reigns, bringing as a consequence the experience of constant emotional blockages, the perspective of collective negativity that surrounds us influences each one of us, to the extent that we allow it, our objective is the strengthening of self-confidence.



The best way to break emotional blockages is with a positive mind, this leads us to joy, to be creative, to increase our self-esteem, and above all, to the solidification of our security, one of the best actions we can do is to continuously reflect on everything that happens to us, generally, we have already gone through similar situations and obtained the triumph, we can do it as many times as we want.

Everything in life is about balance or equilibrium, both of everything that surrounds us and what we do, it is necessary to live to feel fear, but that this emotion is not the protagonist of our actions always, so we can unlock our emotions and see the horizon to where we want to go.

Until another opportunity my dear friends.


Good article dear @rbalzan79, we can certainly block ourselves for different reasons that generate fear, but you made a good point, without keeping a positive mind, we would break the barriers that we put on.

So long, have a great week.

The examples you gave regarding these emotional blockages are easily relatable, and the fact that you gave a detailed way on how to break them is why i enjoyed reading this post. Thanks for sharing

I agree with you buddy, emotional blockage would regularly make us feel sad, feel scared and even limit ourselves in most situations. The idea of constantly reminding ourselves on the need to remain happy would indeed help out a lot.

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