Lens technology (materials) / Light treatment

in Project HOPE3 years ago


Greetings again my dear friends, as I have always expressed that it is important to be able to observe our environment in order to analyze different technological applications in different areas of our lives, if there is a phenomenon that has allowed us to analyze our surroundings is that of light, as it transports the images to our eyes, however, our complex ocular system may suffer some kind of refractive problem, and for this, the area of technology has created particular optical systems which we have called lenses.

This time we will focus on the material with which the lenses are made, either to be used by people or for any type of optical instrument, and they can be glass or plastic, ie mineral or organic respectively, and of course, each type with its benefits and disadvantages, and that will be discussed in this article.

As for the mineral lenses (glass) many studies have revealed that they offer the best optical performance for the treatment of light rays in any type of instrument, i.e., they achieve a better quality when capturing the image that are transported by these light rays, in addition these mineral lenses are resistant to scratching, however, we must emphasize that they are heavier and also more vulnerable to breakage, due to the latter aspect currently they are no longer used.

Another type of material used for the manufacture of lenses is the very versatile plastic, this wonderful and useful material has allowed to make better carvings, and thus, you can achieve better quality of treatment of light rays, however, this can be obtained when they are new, because over time these plastic lenses are losing optical quality and consequently quality in the generation of any type of image.

It is important to note that currently organic lenses are the most implemented in any type of optical instrument, mainly because of their high resistance to breakage, as this could cause damage or injury to our ocular system and also to our personal economy, therefore, we noticed that each type of material used for the manufacture of lenses offers both advantages and disadvantages, however, plastics (organic) are those that have captured the attention of the market and the people who require them, as they are more resistant to breakage as expressed above.

Until another opportunity, my dear readers, I look forward to your valuable contributions.

Note: The images are of my authorship and made using the Power point application, and the gif with PhotoScape.

Bibliographic references consulted and recommended

[1] Characterization of materials


 3 years ago 

I have been using lenses to see better for many years, however I have used plastic and really, although they tend to be more durable in my case, they scratch easier than glass lenses, of course it is possible that this has a lot to do with the quality of the lens. of plastic.

Hello friend @lanzjoseg.

That is correct, the plastic material the advantage it offers is that they are more durable but over time tend to scratch, the glass material is that they are prone to break, thanks for such an important comment. Thank you for your important comment.

either plastic or mineral lenses, i believe the durability is what should be out into consideration.

Hi @dammyone.

That is why plastic lenses have become more popular in the market and thus in the preference of users, as glass lenses tend to break more easily, thanks for commenting. Thanks for commenting.

This lecture really took me back to my physics days back then in my secondary schools days. What an interesting post

Hello friend @mandate.

Physical science is at any stage of our lives, especially when it comes to the interpretation and teaching of the phenomenon of light, in this occasion of the lenses and the type of materials with which they are made, thanks for commenting. Greetings and success.

Greetings friend @rbalzan79 Particularly I think as you point out that the glass lenses are better and I have been able to prove it because I use lenses for several years, however I have also been able to use the plastic ones, having a not very good experience, because they scratch very easily and lose the texture of the frames. It all depends on the cost benefit since the glass lenses are more expensive, but the relation with a better vision and durability is worth it.

Thank you very much for sharing your publication

Hello friend @dgalan.

It is very true what you say and you have also checked both types of lenses, although the plastic are more durable tend to scratch more easily than glass, but the glass are more resistant to scratching, but are more prone to scratching, is as you say very well is a matter of cost benefit for the treatment of light to our eyes, thanks for such a nourishing comment. Greetings and success.

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