Could we consider making money in one of our hobbies? / Personal reflection

in Project HOPE3 years ago



Greetings again my dear friends of this prestigious platform, undoubtedly each of us can observe our existence from different perspectives, although we may be living together in family nuclei or as co-workers, the truth is that we are structuring our way in relation to the experiences lived by each of us, of course, the environment where we work will always have a significant influence on our lives and thus in our actions.

Every human being has some kind of hobby, some love to read, others love to cook and go fishing, among many other activities, however, would it be possible that at the time of generating money we can turn it into one of our hobbies and do it happily?

It is important to express that we have to analyze this from the point of view of each one of us, since in general, when we finish college our first purpose is to start some kind of job that can generate money and thus begin to cover our basic needs, therefore, starting to work represents a responsibility and a great commitment both with ourselves and with the people, company or institution that give us the opportunity of such employment.

Now, I think that in many cases some people manage to get a job developing activities that they are passionate about, however, in a large percentage it does not happen in this way, and what happens is that we must work or work in any job because of the need to obtain money either for our personal expenses or to cover the essential economic needs of our family.

But, keeping in mind that when we talk about any of our hobbies it is because we are referring to activities that we like to perform or develop, now based on the above, let's reformulate our question, is it possible that no matter what activity we perform to obtain money, we could perform it happily?

Perhaps many of us have heard a lot of people who feel happy in the performance of their work, for example, athletes in any discipline usually say they are happy in what they do, and also pay them for doing what they are passionate about, but how to achieve this with someone who does the opposite, ie, performs any activity except what he likes or has always wanted to do, and cases like this can be found everywhere at every moment where we find ourselves.

I think from my point of view that in the first place the most important thing is to be able to find some source of income of money, and then it is in ourselves to find the way to develop anything that we are passionate about and this will depend on our capacity for entrepreneurship, although in many opportunities we hear that money does not buy happiness, however, if it manages to give us stability, I think that what we have to take care of is not to give all our attention to only generate money, because in life there are things that money alone can not provide, I think that what we have to take care of is not to give all our attention to only generate money, because in life there are things that money alone can not provide, therefore, it is a combination of actions, and as we know, in the school called life, we learn that it is all about knowing how to balance our actions and thus our behaviors.

Our mental capacity should always be our guide, and if we know how to feed it in the best way we will be able to generate money honestly being happy, and also no matter what activity we do, and having in mind that we are able to undertake any business or activity in search of what we are passionate about doing, and with this, we can also convert such action of generating money in one of our hobbies, all this with a proper balance and in this way achieving meshing our personal lives with any activity we do during our existence in this wonderful space-time that we have been given to live.

Until another opportunity dear readers, I think that being happy depends on ourselves and each of our actions, regardless of the area of life where we are, the important thing is that we are always ready to radiate happiness, but for that we have to start with ourselves, I hope you can share your important comments and thus consolidate the idea raised in this article.



hello @rbalzan79,
I believe it is possible to earn money with the things we love, human beings find personal fulfilment by developing the things we are attracted to, but social conditioning makes us think that there are jobs that pay more than others and based on that we work on things we hate just for the money, a motto to remember is "what you have as a hobby, someone else has as a job".

Hello friend @trabajosdelsiglo.

That's right my friend, it is possible to earn money doing activities that we love and at other times the opposite happens, actually you share with us an excellent and nourishing contribution, thank you for that, many successes. Greetings.

Greetings friend, a good reflection. Certainly many find a way to make money with their hobby, artists and sportsmen for example, I think that those who have some kind of talent should take advantage of it, others perhaps we should try to take advantage of our knowledge to produce income in an activity that we like and then become our hobby.

Hello friend @emiliomoron.

You are absolutely right, it is important that certain people can take advantage of their innate talents in disciplines such as sports, art, among others, and others convert some other activities in our passions, thanks for such an extraordinary contribution, many successes. Best regards.

hello dear friend @rbalzan79, it is interesting the points you touch in your publication, it would be a dream to generate money with at least one of the hobbies we have in our life, since that activity that we would develop would be executed with such happiness, that it would be impossible to stop doing it.

success to you and your family my friend

Hello dear friend @yongleantonio.

You are absolutely right, if we could make money with one of our passions would be something we would never stop doing because we would achieve the goal set for life, thanks for your great and valuable contribution, many successes. Greetings.

I have written before about ikigai, or life purpose, which is nothing more than living our passion and getting paid for it. Although obviously the subject is much more extensive, what I can add here is that we cannot always do what we like and get paid for it, but we could learn to love what we do and in that sense pursue happiness.

Excellent content. Thanks for sharing.

Totally agree with you my friend, usually we have to work on things or activities that we are not passionate about at least at the beginning, however, as you say with the passage of time we can become passionate about them, thanks for your great contribution, many successes. Greetings.

I feel that finding a career that allows you to utilize your interest is what everyone needs. It is difficult, but a clever person can do what he is passionate about in his work if it is feasible, which will make him like his work, create income, and allow him to grow what he enjoys.

That's right my friend, the important thing is that we can keep in mind that we can go intelligently in search of the activities that we are passionate about and thus generate money, for this it is necessary to have a positive mind, great contribution. Many successes. Greetings.

Yes it is possible to make money from your hobbies. One of my friend is doing cake and cookies business and she is selling a lot of orders. Cooking was her hobbies and now she is making money out of it.

I know many people who do the same and from the comfort of their homes, the important thing is to know how to balance the things that we are passionate about with the generation of money, thanks for sharing your great contribution, many successes. Greetings.

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