A world full of disagreements, however, it is possible to achieve a healthy coexistence among all of us

in Project HOPE3 years ago



Greetings again my dear readers of this prestigious platform, undoubtedly many of us at every moment of our existence we face a number of disagreements with anyone around us, however, this outstanding feature has allowed us to structure as much as possible the world in which we all live, and also has allowed us to understand the great diversity of thought among the human race.

On a planetary level we hear or read daily news related to different conflicts between countries or nations, and this fact is possible to interpolate it to our personal lives, and with it, to our family nuclei, if we were to detail each disagreement between humanity I think we would not have enough time to perform this task, however, it is important to express that disagreements will exist forever in our lives as they are a fundamental part of our existence because we all have free and different ways of seeing things.

In relation to the above we must always keep in mind that the important thing is not the disagreement, the important thing is to know how to find the balance between our ways of seeing things and mutually respect our criteria, in general, in many occasions even though we are sure that we are right does not mean that we should impose our criteria to the other person who thinks differently from us, because in that way he will never accept such an imposition.

To do this we must put ourselves in their shoes and see how our behavior is, and if we are really knowing how to transmit our thoughts because the way we do it is worth a lot, and that will depend to achieve an adequate coexistence with anyone around us, therefore, I believe that we should always treat others in the same way as we want to be treated and surely things will flow in the best way.

I think that another important aspect to achieve a healthy coexistence is direct communication, that is, talking to each other, and not the opposite, since in many occasions we observe conflicts at any level and the parties involved do not even talk to each other, therefore, if we want to establish coexistence agreements it will always be necessary to talk to each other and not stop talking to each other, I think that in all senses sometimes pride has been stronger than reason or logic in our thoughts.

Therefore, my dear readers, if we want to be as happy as possible, then we must necessarily have a direct communication with all those people who live next to us, and this undoubtedly at all levels, for example, in the political, religious, cultural field, that is, between each and every one of the aspects of our lives, and in this way we will have a world where we can live with greater peace of mind, and most importantly, we will have a world to hand over to our future generations.

Until another opportunity my dear readers.





Greetings @rbalzan79 entertaining reading that you share with us, no doubt the conflicts and different perspectives will always be at the forefront, hence we must learn and be aware of the mediation process that we must exercise to achieve balance the views between us and our opponents.

At the end of the day, a good plan of action and a consensus, will allow better results for the parties.

Greetings and keep reading.

Hi @madridbg.

You are absolutely right my friend, mediation should be the best way to achieve a proper balance between all of us and thus obtain a healthy coexistence between the parties involved.
Thanks for your great contribution. Regards.

Very successful post friend @rbalzan79, I think that if we all learned to put ourselves in the place of the other, to try to understand and value the efforts of others, this would be a better planet, we should not let our own perception cloud the vision of reality.

Greetings my friend!

Hello dear friend @karupanocitizen.

It is very important what you express:

I believe that if we all learned to put ourselves in the place of the other, to try to understand and value the efforts of others, this would be a better planet.

You are absolutely right, my friend, because when we learn to put ourselves in the other's place we will be able to understand our fellow men in the best way. Greetings.

Greetings friend @rbalzan79, thanks for sharing with everyone such an entertaining reading, in the world we live an exorbitant amount of people and as rational beings we think and think different from each other, respecting the opinions of others is essential to lead a healthy coexistence in our environment. Not everyone can agree with you and much less will they think the same. In conclusion, if we achieve effective communication we will live in perfect harmony.

Hello friend, you are absolutely right, it will always be important to respect the opinion of others in order to have a healthy coexistence and that is of great value for everyone. Thank you for your great contribution. Greetings.

Thank you for sharing, it is very interesting and can be difficult to understand for many people, especially when they have very different points of view, hence the total polarization of society.

That's right, it is very important what you express:

It is difficult for many people to understand, especially when they have very different points of view.

In reality, for a healthy coexistence it is necessary a better understanding among all. Greetings and thank you for sharing such an interesting contribution.

Disagreements are part of our life, we cannot all think in the same way, that is what gives life its nuances, but understanding starts with respect, when we recognize and respect each other we could disagree on an issue but accept that we have the right to have different opinions, and not to attack each other or want to disappear those who think differently.

I totally agree with you my dear friend @emiliomoron, in order to understand each other we must start with respect for each other and in this way we will be building the true path to coexistence. Thank you for your great contribution. Greetings and many successes.

Our ways of seeing things differ and this often lead to disagreement but we should learn to be at peace with everyone around us and have this spirit of accommodating people no matter there level of difference.

I totally agree with you, in spite of our differences, the important thing is that we can respect each other because in this way we can reach a healthy coexistence. Thank you for your great contribution. Greetings and many successes.

Greetings @ rbalzan79
Particularly I think that by the diversity of thoughts and customs , there will always be conflicts in the world and in our personal environment as well. the importarte is to recognize the problem and as you mention it to look for a point of agreement where all the parts seda a little for the solution of the same one and the coexistence in this only planet where we are all.

Therein lie the great problems and wars for wanting to have the dominion of the world, thinking they have the absolute truth.

Thank you very much for sharing

That's right my friend, the diversity of thought leads us to the path of the difference of thoughts, but, the important thing is the respect we can have for each other and in this way we can overcome our behaviors.
Thank you for your great contribution. Greetings.

Hi @rbalzan79 Our expressiveness and posture communicate much more than our words, which is why face-to-face communication has so much power.
Our body provides such an important set of emotional information that allows us to judge and classify at first glance. We assimilate what we see and how it makes us feel predisposes us, either positively or negatively. Very good pust, thanks for publishing it

Hi @aplauso, you are absolutely right when you express:

Our expressiveness and posture communicate much more than our words, that's why face to face communication has so much power.

So it will always be important to be able to communicate face to face that helps a lot to a better understanding between all. Greetings and many successes.

Hello @rbalzan79!

I believe that communication and disagreements are part of our life and development too. Different opinions shall lead to a variety of positive results and solutions for everyday problems, that must be built on a healthy conversation between the two sides in order to get the best outcome with no conflicts.

Communication, in general, is essential. As humans, we usually tend to be between people, so in order to achieve that we better know how to communicate well.

Nice read, thanks for sharing!

Hi @lennyblogs.

Totally agree with you my friend when you express:

Communication, in general, is fundamental. As human beings, we tend to be among people, so to achieve this we better know how to communicate well.

This is fundamental for the best of coexistence among all. Thank you for such a valuable contribution. Best regards.

Lovely post buddy, in order to co-exist peacefully with other people we need to come to the realization that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and we cannot all agree on everything. There should always be room for disagreement on a matured and peaceful level.

That's right my friend, maturity will always play an important role in our relationships, and in this way our disagreements will be solved in the best possible way.

Thank you for your great contribution. Regards.

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