We must have a plan and a clear objective.

in Project HOPE2 years ago



Hello friends of project hope , today I come with another of my personal analysis or however you want to see it , it can also be taken as a financial advice and it is about having clear your goals so you must make a decision.

We can make a comparison of our life with a boat, we are a boat and we must have a fixed course planned, the captain of the boat can not hesitate, you must have clear ideas, you must plan every aspect of your life thoroughly, if you want clothes, then long before buying you must have in mind color, brand size and especially because you want it, if it is to look better or just to cover a lack because your current clothes are already old and worn.

If you have every aspect of your life clear and planned, you can make better decisions, in my case I bought some gloves for the cold, but it was a thoughtful and planned decision, in Europe there are really nice clothes and I could make the mistake of buying clothes that I did not need, but instead I made the right decision and bought the gloves to face the cold.

So the first step is always mental you must know what you need and then know what you want, once you have it clear like the captain of a ship will plot that course and all the machinery and crew of your life will help you achieve that goal, but if you doubt or do not know for sure what you need or want, if you just go through life without planning will be complicated to achieve the goals.

If you want to win the lottery, you must first play it, for something to happen you must make the attempt and the effort to make it happen or it will never happen.

Thank you for reading

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Having a clear plan isn't something you contemplate about, it's a must. In order to achieve your dreams in life, you must have a clear plan. Thanks for posting.

With a clear plan everything is easier, thanks for reading

in the quest to attain one objective or goal, it is idle to have a well-detailed clear plan which outlines the do's and don'ts while attaining our goals. Also, a clearly defined plan serves as a guild and a schedule to track one's progress.

That's right friend, what you say is very true, thanks for reading

my pleasure

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