Step by step

in Project HOPE2 years ago



Hello project hope family , today I come with another personal analysis oriented to the economic and in the form of advice , I think lately I write about my life as an immigrant in Europe but without going into details , I just make a description in a general way.

We can not pretend that everything works perfect , few times in life things happen in a dream way , so we must be patient and understand that everything in life is step by step , if you do not understand this concept you can fall into a depression , if you want a house but you pretend to have all the money and buy the house of your dreams but that money does not come then you can stress and not only lose your health if not affect your work and your life in general.

If you want a house start by buying toiletries, lighters, blocks, cement, you might end up buying an apartment but what you bought is not lost because you can sell it.

If you want to buy a car, you can start by buying a motorcycle or a bicycle, even if you don't drive it you can sell it, and little by little get to what you want, this concept of step by step I am learning here in Europe, I really want everything at once and it is impossible at the moment.

Sometimes we are late to a party, I think that here in Spain the opportunities are not those of 2 or 3 years ago, at this time it is difficult, very difficult, but I have the support of a faithful friend and the support of God, I know that everything will come but I must be patient and think of the day to day things step by step.

Thank you for reading

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Great things start with taking a step, it doesn't even mean everything will become rosy from that moment, but there is nothing as good as taking a step at a time, that is extremely significant.

If we have patience and we make an effort, everything will come to its time, thanks for reading

If you want to buy a car, you can start by buying a motorcycle or a bicycle, even if you don't drive it you can sell it, and little by little get to what you want, this concept of step by step I am learning here in Europe, I really want everything at once and it is impossible at the moment.

Exactly and this is what i am following in my life and in fact it is strict rule of my life. Obviously I can buy car by using loan but i am not doing it because I want to go step by step. thanks for this post.

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