Improve your skills to work online

in Project HOPE3 years ago



Hello dear community, lately speaking with my friends we have come to the conclusion that there is no easy money, if something is too easy many people will come and everything will somehow change, I mean methods to make money online, so we must take a time to polish our skills, that is not overnight requires perseverance, dedication and discipline.

For my part I remember when I started to publish on this platform little by little I started to do it better and I still have a lot to improve, the truth is that I have improved a lot over time, before it took a long time to make a publication because I wanted it to be at least acceptable and I feel that today it gives me more natural without so much effort. I recently started with another method of generating money online and in 20 days I have improved a lot, I remember my first day and it makes me laugh, fortunately I have the ability to improve and that is thanks to practice and dedication.

As for my friends, what they work and are 3 different people, is Farming gold in a game called World of warcaft, that is not something like playing and winning, they really have to sit down to practice the methodology to kill monsters and thus offer their services to other players, so talking to them they explained to me how in the last update of the game, important changes were made but that update attracted many players and the possibility of generating a lot of money easily.



But that will not last long and it is the analysis that we carry out between the four of us, we believe that easy money in the online world attracts too many people, we believe that when there is a difficulty it is better to improve your skills so that you can continue to carry out that task that generates you Income, even the best thing is to look for tasks that are difficult to perform, that require little investment so that it lasts over time and you can generate income for longer, so remember easy money attracts a large number of people and soon you will be surrounded by competition which will make the price go down and therefore your income, on the other hand, in more difficult tasks you will be generating income for a longer time.

Thank you for reading

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Freelancing is really one of the things I love engaging myself into due to the fact that it's really something you can do at your comfort zone and get paid. I am personally looking forward to learn some programming language to work online just as you've stated in your context here.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

Hello @ramsesuchiha!
The truth is that working online requires a lot of dedication and investment of time to learn if you want to do a good job and as you say last over time. As they say what comes easy comes easy goes, so you also have to learn to identify what kind of work to do. Greetings!

I'm glad you understood my idea, thanks for reading

Everything that is in favor of our community and our way of acquiring skills within these online jobs that we do is welcome.
But it is definitely full of great efforts, that getting rich in 3 days in online jobs is something unattainable unless you hit the lottery.
Thanks for your contribution, excellent

only the lottery makes us rich in 3 days thanks for reading

Hello dear friend @ramsesuchiha

Ramses, that trite saying that nothing is life comes easy, is as true as our own existence, "I recently started with another method of generating money online and in 20 days I have improved a lot, I remember my first day and it makes me laugh, fortunately I have the ability to improve and that is thanks to practice and dedication", thanks for sharing your experience, see that World of warcaft needs quite some time to be able to achieve the goals.

Best regards, be well.

I'm glad you have a new method friend, I also have one, look for axie infinity and maybe you like it, thanks for reading

It is important that we can improve our skills to work online, since the demands for those who work online are increasing, and not only that but we must stand out from the competition that is growing.

Greetings and thanks for your contribution

I'm glad you understood my idea, thanks for reading

Hi @ramsesuchiha.

Great content, it will always be important for everyone to improve their skills for online work, especially in these times where the digital age has deepened more strongly and I think it will be in the future, a task of great dedication if we want to make the best of the benefits, thanks for such a rich and important content, greetings.

I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks for reading

 3 years ago 

This is a great challenge my friend, we must always be prepared but above all we must always be studying to be better in any situation, and it is the best way to not be improvising, you just have to prepare.

I like what you say friend, thanks for reading

Online work is such that will normally require a high level of determination. In this recent past, however, there has been more paradigm shift from offline to online. In the nearest future, we may be focusing more on online, so we need skills to match it.
Thanks for sharing this nice piece buddy

thanks for reading friend

Money is truly not easy to make. And it you have a skill, you need to be improving on yourself constantly because skills are also constantly improving too. Nice article @ramsesuchiha

nothing is easy in life friend and less to earn money, thanks for reading

Working online is not what you will start a day and become is what u dedicate your time , effort and skill, although you might not good or not earn at beginning but as the time goes on ,you can become better.

I agree with you friend thanks for reading

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