Top-5 Tips to minimize the stress involved in the crypto space.

in Project HOPE3 years ago


As we are at the end of May, we must admit that this probably was the most dramatic month we've ever seen. We started this month with bitcoin at 60k level, then it wicked down all the way to 30k level with a fall of about whopping 50%, and now here we are at 40k levels.
Despite how crazy this might appear, crypto veterans are aware that these massive shakeouts are actually very classic and repetitive in the crypto space. They see these movements as golden opportunities to pick up more cryptos at attractive discounts. That said, there's no denying that those major ups and downs are able to stress out more than 90% of crypto traders and make their lives look like one hell of an emotional roller coaster.
While it is almost impossible to completely get rid of the stress involved in crypto trading, there are ways to reduce its impact on your daily life.

In this short post, I'm gonna share with you guys some tactics that will keep you calm when trading crypto. They were a life changer for me and I hope they will help you too.

1) Learn technical analysis:


I believe that the strongest ally to fight fear, doubt, and stress is knowledge and awareness. Something you'll get from learning and practicing. In case you're trading crypto, the thing you need to learn about is technical analysis.
It's an ancient art of studying the past trend of the stock price and its trading volume in order to predict its future direction. It also focuses on analyzing price patterns driven by the emotions of traders. These patterns are predictable and have been repeating themselves across financial markets for hundreds of years. If you're looking for free sources to learn, I'll be providing some good ones below, so make sure to check them out after reading this post, but remember it's not something you'll learn to do overnight, so don't give up if it doesn't work out the first time you try.

2) Organize you life style (eat, exercise, and sleep):

A lot of what goes on in our minds starts with our bodies. Things like sleep, exercise, and diet have a greater influence on our mentality than anything external.

Starting with sleep, it's scientifically proven that the human body needs at least 8 hours of sleep every day. Getting less than 8 hours is going to cause measurable damage to your brain especially over long terms periods. And most importantly, don't forget to close your phone when you decide to go to bed. It's the best thing to do to improve the quality of your sleep.
With regard to diet, I strongly recommend avoiding junk food that is full of artificial filling, toxic oils, and fats- all of which will make you slothful inside and outside the crypto space.
Last but least, remember to exercise. The problem is that we're live in the modern era where some of us can ignore that the body was basically designed for physical work. It's not healthy to keep sitting on the couch all day. Going to the gym on a regular basis won't only improve your fitness, but it's also an easy way to blow off steam.

3) Don't over-invest in crypto:

There is an old saying that goes "Don't put all your eggs in one basket".
It basically means that one should not concentrate all efforts and resources in one area as one could lose everything if that area failed.
This proverb is generally true, but I think it's more critical when talking about crypto. Let's face it, the crypto world is still so new, meaning it's prone to serious volatility caused by toxic assaults from people who'd like to see it fail. As much as I believe in Bitcoin, I can't guarantee that it won't encounter bear waves over some periods of time. And during those times, you need to have an additional fund consisting of fiat currency to pay your bills.
While it's up to you to decide how much your crypto investment is going to be, my general rule of thumb is not to make it more than 75% of your net worth. That way, you'll still be able to smoothly manage your financial life even if all your cryptos take a nosedive.

4) Build your expectations on fundamentals, not hopium:


If you're browsing YouTube to learn about some crypto stuff, you might be surprised at how crazy some YouTubers there are. Almost every video on YouTube is talking about this or that token which is going to pull 100X or more during a month or less!!
This type of disconnect between expectations and reality is one of the main triggers of stress and depression for some crypto newbies.
Last month, I met a friend of mine and was surprised that he'd been extremely sure that one of those Safemoon clones would make a 1000 X within two months, and now he's crushed by disappointment after losing 90% because his favorite shitcoin has failed.
Don't get me wrong. Crypto does have the potential to make you a millionaire, but achieving that needs the awareness that's not coming overnight. Financial freedom is possible, but it will take time, luck, and a whole lot of effort.
Managing your expectations and making them based on fundamentals not on hopium will go a long way in protecting you from stress wherever the price goes.

5) Take a break from crypto from time to time:


Too much of anything is no good for you even it is crypto. If you can't shake off the negative feelings the market makes you feel, then it's probably time to close your CMC home page, take some profits or accept losses, and just go out for a bit.
Taking a break today might be the best way to recharge power to carry on more effectively tomorrow.
You certainly have friends and family who miss you more than your favorite cryptos. I think it's a good idea to visit them from time to time and see what they've been up to.
I'm sure there are some beautiful touristic places in your town or city that you've considered visiting. So why not do it now?
Don't worry, your beloved world of cryptocurrency will still be here when you get back.
And always remember, there is much more to life than crypto :))


Helpful links:


PS, Unless otherwise stated, all images in this post are either my own design or from free photo-sharing sites (e.g.


Well said. Most especially the aspect of don't over invest in crypto and this has been one of the major reasons why many people are getting stress in the crypto space

Over-investing is the main reason that many traders get too euphoric when they see the market pumping or sink into depression when it dumps.

Thanks for stopping by :)) @mary241

You have said it all. Most times crypto can really be stressful with the issue of this dumping and dipping and that's why one must learn to take break at times

Sometimes, We need a break in order to recharge power and get the focus back...It might be the best way to blow off some steam

Thanks for reading :)) @mandate

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