Tesla's investment is just a beginning...

in Project HOPE4 years ago

I'm pretty sure that most of you guys have been hyped by a recent groundbreaking announcement of Tesla that they've allocated 1.5 billion dollars to invest in Bitcoin. This came as no surprise given that the CEO Elon Musk has been vocally supporting Bitcoin for weeks. He literally changed his Bio to Bitcoin a few days ago. And now, he finally put his money where his mouth is.

It's worth mentioning that Elon Musk himself didn't show that much support for crypto just two years ago.

It's really fascinated to see that many things are changing and such a big-name as Elon is joining the crypto alliance.

However, I really believe that this is far more than short-sighted hype, it's the new mainstream financial strategy that both people and companies alike should follow if they want to survive and thrive in the future.

People that used to "trust" in governments to protect their purchasing power have already changed.
Central Banks that used to print huge amounts of fiat money at people's expense have already been debunked. Just take a look at the hideous hyperinflation that occurred in Venezuela or Syria for example, and you will get my point...

Even the US dollar has its share of the dirty inflation. If the Feds want to print a trillion-dollar tomorrow, they can easily and simply do it. No rules, no responsibilities, no limits, it is an absolute unfair financial authority...

Institutions like Tesla, Apple, Microsoft, and others are literally standing on a huge mountain of fiat money so they have big skin in the game and the only thing they care about is to protect their savings in all sorts of ways.

The CEO of MicroStrategy, Michael Saylor, (The first US-listed company that invested in bitcoin) made things clear saying:

We just had the awful realization that we were sitting on top of a $ 500-million ice cup that's melting.
Said Michael Saylor.

That's why I believe that institutional investment in Bitcoin and maybe the wider crypto space is inevitable.

What's next...

Well, I'm not fully aware of the laws on when companies must disclose their big investments, but I bet that most big-tech companies are running around like chickens with their heads cut off right now to implement Bitcoin strategy as soon as possible and squeeze out more BIC before they're late to the sub-100k price level.
I think that serious discussions have started on allocating a portion of their balance sheets into Bitcoin. After all, institutional investments have more hoops to go through than personal purchases. And speaking of personal, I wouldn't be surprised if It turned out that top richest men like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Jack ma have already acquired their share of the Bitcoin network. I know that some of them criticized and discredited Bitcoin in the past, but we are used to seeing many U-turns these days...
Tesla just opened the door wide and the big droves are about to go...
These huge investments will put the naysayers in their place and prove one more time that crypto is here to stay...

Can you guys guess the next big institutional investor in Bitcoin? I bet on Apple
Very excited to learn your thoughts...

Love and Peace :))

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Because finally the financial institutions have realized Of what they need to have their slice of the pie, and this leaves a lot to be desired of them. But I think that this opening is very significant and it is changing the rules of the game, it will be positive because they will have to take care of humanizing their services more.

You say that Apple is going to be the next, I believe that the institution that is going to take the next important step is going to be the government of India, as it has great potential in this regard despite the bans they are trying to impose, change their minds and they will find out that they cannot miss this gigantic opportunity.

I was shocked and upset to learn that the Indian government is trying to impose a ban on Bitcoin.
I really hope that the Indian users can stay in the crypto space Without a hitch.

Thank you for dropping this nice comment :)) @reinaldoverdu

Hello @qsyal, we can see that the times are changing, the old paradignas have given an unexpected cry, and I think we should follow the trend that the experts are setting, Elon Musk is a great mentor in research, science technology and my favorite part in "engineering "This partly feeds my confidence about what is to come, which will be positive for but negative for others, as is the case of financial institutions

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