May ... the best month ever for BAT & Brave in terms of growth

in Project HOPE4 years ago

About a month ago I wrote my first article in project.hop community which was What you have to know about BAT & Brave project (a detailed & comprehensive guide ). At that article, I mentioned that since Brave browser is in a direct competition with giants like Google and Facebook, it has to do more in terms of growth and adoption affairs...
Today is the first of June and during the last month (May), I was very interested in watching BAT & Brave closely. I have seen many wonderful results for this project. However, in this post I'll focus on the GREAT leap in growth which has raised my eyebrows...


  • If we start with YouTube, we can clearly see a big surge in the number of valid channels from 325290 at the beginning of May to more than 355200. It is a rise of 8.4% percent in just a month.

  • For Twitter, the rise was more exciting as the number of verified Brave Publisher has soared from about 65550 to 76561. So, It is a whopping 14.3 % increase in just a single month.

  • The verified publisher websites have increased by 5.5% percent

  • The number of verified Twitch channels has also increased by 4.1 %percent.


  • Moving on to Reddit, The number of verified accounts saw a boom by 11.5 % percent during May.

  • Github verified publishers have increased by % 14.7 percent

  • For Vimeo, the boom was more dramatically surprising as the number of verified accounts has picked up from 14.5% during May alone, and I think it's worth mentioning that the rise of verified Vimeo accounts soared by an enormous 72.3% during last April alone (As you can see in the diagram).


Last but not least, the number of BAT holders saw a surge in its turn as the the BAT holding addressees have increased by 6% percent during the last 30 days

ps. If you like to keep watching closely, I suggest batgrowth site for you which is specialized in making statistics for BAT & Brave project in terms of growth and adoption.


Growth and adoption is the killer disease that hampers 99% of crypto projects and it seems that BAT is aware of this fact.
If you look around you will not find many crypto projects that make this huge success in increasing their user base as BAT & Brave do. That's what keeps me bullish ...

I will not talk a lot , but I will end this article with what I ended my previous article a month ago:

If Brave manages to "steal" some more attention and become integrated into the day-to-day browsing experience of internet users, it could end up seeing a kind of explosive growth for this project.
I will definitely keep a close eye on it

What do thing about BAT & Brave ?
Do you believe in this project?
It's crucial for me to learn your opinion....

Very interested in reading comments

THANK YOU for stopping by :)


As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

I honestly did not know about this browser until recently that my partner also knew about it and started using it, I also find it very good and on the other hand it generates certain profits which others do not do, or at least those I know!

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