Has the NFT "bubble" burst?

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Not long ago, I wrote a post titled Is NFT overrated at a time NFTs were in their prime, and at that post, I received a variety of different comments and opinions from friends whom I value and respect.
Some of those comments seemed skeptical about the NFT space as a whole, seeing it as a bubble or close to it. While I disagreed with them, there seems to be mounting evidence that they were right. At least, this is what figures and statics have so far to say...


Signs of slowing down:

Since the start of March, there have been growing signs of slowing down in the NFT space. According to market tracker NonFungible, the average sale price of an NFT is now about $2,000, which is down from about $7000 three months ago!
OpenSea's trading volume is down a whopping 67% in the last 30 days and the number of sales has likewise fallen. Something quite clear in the chart below

chart.png source

According to blockchain analytics firm, Nansen, (which has recently analyzed 8,400 collections consisting of more than 19 million NFTs in total), one in three NFT collections have practically died, seeing next-to-zero trading activity, and another third is now trading below what it cost to mine.

Seeing those figures and the chart above, it does look like something reeking of the infamous 2018 ICO boom, right?

Even our beloved prince of crypto, Vitalik Buterin, has expressed just a few days ago concerns about the overrated NFTs built on Ethereum. Although he avoided mentioning it by name, it was quite obvious he was referring to the Bored Apes Yacht Club (BAYC), which is one of the most famous NFT collections.
According to Buterin:

The danger is that you have these $3 million monkeys and that becomes a different kind of bet. I’d rather Ethereum offend some people than turn into something that doesn’t mean anything

Buterin also said that the true value of crypto is what it brings to the real world, using the Ukraine-Russia conflict as an example:

One positive aspect of the situation over the past three weeks is that it has reminded many people in the crypto market that, ultimately, the purpose of cryptocurrencies is not to play with million-dollar pictures of monkeys, it is to do things that achieve meaningful results, in the real world

So, what gives? are we close to the end of the NFT spring?


My personal view:

Well, After what I mentioned above, it might be a bit strange to say that I still see tremendous value within the NFT sector, but yes, I do.
It is a technology that has opened doors for a whole new field of creating digital proof of ownership in an immutable manner. This is unprecedented and can be used in many legitimate spaces. Gaming, arts, Videos, in-game items... and more to come! We've come this far with NFT technology, and the clock never turns back!
On the other hand, it's really hard to ignore the recent recession within the NFT markets, but hey, it is crypto, and it is quite normal for the markets to go through up and down periods. Indeed, Bitcoin itself was trading below 10k for about three years after it had hit 20k in 2017. Ethereum and other blue-chip currencies have similar stories. It's quite normal for crypto, and I don't think it should be weird for NFTs.
I do believe that we're just witnessing a cooling-off period rather than a "bubble popping". However, that doesn't mean I support the outrageous prices for APEs, Ether rocks, and other low efforts "arts" whose developers probably paid someone on Fiverr to create.
In fact, I think the current decline in NFT activities is a great chance for the market to flush out low-efforts and dodgy pieces and pave the way for the true use cases of the incredible technology involved in NFT. It's just a culling process where hype-based products will eventually get ripped out. And out of the rubble, emerge the real ones which are meant to stand the test of time. At least, this is how I see the current things within NFT waters...what about you? How do think the future will hold for NFTs. I'm keen to learn your opinions and thoughts.


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PS, Unless otherwise stated, all images in this post are either my own design or from free photo-sharing sites (e.g. pixabay.com)


Good job! You just got yourself a 100% upvote from ACOM. Enjoy!

Greetings @qsyal ❤️💕

I strongly believe that NFTs will definitely be more widely adopted in the nearest future and there's also high chance that more cryptocurrency projects will keep adopting NFTs as time goes on. I wouldn't conclude or fully accept that there's a burst in the NFT bubble but I'll just say the dice is still rolling.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

I also believe NFT is going to be a game-changer in the future but not down the path we are going. It wasn't meant for low-effort images getting shilled by celebrities in order to make a quick buck. I believe to make a great change in the future but only when it gets back on track. Anyway, let's wait, and as you said the dice is still rolling.

Thank you for the feedback :) @hardaeborla

hello @qsyal,

In my personal opinion I don't think the bubble has burst, on the contrary I think the market is getting stronger. At the beginning of all this technology people did not know how to use it, that is why it is currently being used only for speculation, soon when the market makes its correction new projects will be created to give a real utility to all the NFT, for now all we have is a market full of speculators who are just trying to make money with what they call digital art.

yeah, I share the same view with you...I believe that time will help produce real use cases of the technology involved in NFT

Thanks for reading @trabajosdelsiglo

Hello @qsyal
I was one of those who commented on your previous post, if I'm not mistaken.
The truth is that I quite agree with what Vitalic said, although I recognize that NFTs opened a big window to many other things, it is still very immature.
It will have to grow and offer much more for it to transcend. The speculation inherent in the crypto environment is what keeps those great prices. But what value does such a monkey add? For example...

I was one of those who commented on your previous post, if I'm not mistaken.

Indeed, you had one of those valuable comments on my previous post, and to my pleasure, you're commenting on this one too :)

The truth is that I quite agree with what Vitalic said, although I recognize that NFTs opened a big window to many other things, it is still very immature.

Well, I also agree with what Vitalik said. NFT technology seems to have missed the goal it was meant to achieve, but I hope the current decline will help it come back to the right track

But what value does such a monkey add? For example...

Nope, zero, nothing. But It might help the rich to brag about their purchases after they share them on Twitter 😁

Thank you for reading :) @josevas217

hello @qsyal
a lot of good and negative things have happened around NFTs, I think it should take some time to see the goodness it can offer to the crypto market and allow them to consolidate.
Thank you very much for sharing

Yeah, NFT certainly needs time to reach its potential, and I believe that time is on its side...

Thanks for reading :) @dgalan

Hello @qsyal, certainly in the last months many people have avoided investing in NFT projects including me, that is not an indicator that disappeared, there have been some ups and downs by different situations that must be corrected, but NFTs have a fundamental value in specific areas of the market such as art game among others.

Hopefully it will continue to grow organically as time goes on. So long, have a great weekend.

but NFTs have a fundamental value in specific areas of the market such as art game among others.

This is what I exactly believe in. Maybe time will help NFT deliver its real use cases

Thanks for reading. Have a great weekend, buddy :) @amestyj

Hello mate!

I wasn't involved in NFTs since it came sadly and I still regret that, yet I didn't have enough capital maybe back then. But looking at it falling down so fast isn't really a good sign, despite that I don't even understand how they work until this moment yet I knew they were something so big, so it's kinda upsetting when it ends so fast.

Thanks for sharing!

Hello mate @lennyblogs

Well, I didn't invest in NFTs in the past but maybe I'll consider doing so in the future. I don't think NFT is ending. I believe it is just cooling down for another bull run soon. But this is just my humble point of view, and I might be mistaken. Time only can tell

Thanks for stopping by :)

I think the cooling off period is just natural. Furthermore, I agree with you that the NFT technology itsself is very important for the future can bring us many more things that are needed in the real world. The use case of art-pictures is for me personally a very bad example as I am not really that into art but thinking about P2E games that utilize NFTs is a completely different story.

I think it is good that the hype is cooling off a bit which means that scamers have less of a chance to rob people with severe FOMO :D

All in all great article from your side! :)

I totally agree that P2E games are literally another world where NFT technology can not only survive but also thrive. And as you said, the current drop might be the right time for scammers to go out of the space

Thanks for reading. Have a good start to the week :) @ga38jem

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