Bribery gets blocked: Stamping out corruption with blockchain tech

in Project HOPE4 years ago

The latest report by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the latest to highlight the potential of blockchain technology to serve as a powerful tool in fighting government corruption.

Moving government transactions such as public procurement contracts to detectable open ledgers can deal a crushing blow to the kind of corruption that can burden taxpayers the most: large-scale schemes in which irresponsible officials champion processes in the interests of specific contractors.

Three keys to using blockchain technology to reduce government corruption consistently appear in all expert accounts: verification of transactions, registration of official records such as ownership rights, and verification of identity.

Finally, the report's authors propose using a blockchain-based solution to ensure the integrity of public records and digitally guaranteed rights to government property and assistance.


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Good article, it is absolutely right to implement the chain of blocks in the public administration will considerably reduce corruption.

will also make the management more transparent and efficient, I hope to see it one day

This is a great advance, it would diminish or practically make corruption impossible, the same can happen with government elections, if blockchain is used for this, everything becomes quite clear.

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