Experiences come with age or circumstances!

in Project HOPE2 months ago

Quite a whole lot of times we face hard times or things that life throws at us and sometimes we usually imagine why it seems life is unfair to us. Some of them we overcome and of them it takes a whole lot of time for us to overcome them. In fact I have actually come to discover that those hard times or those circumstances that come our life shapes us to be a better person through what we face we get a whole lot of experiences.


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One of the perfect definitions I think I will give maturity is having the wisdom to handle life. I think that is the perfect and simple definition. Like we all know, wisdom means the ability to do something and the way we handle something. One of the ways you can actually know a mature person is how the person is able to handle life and what comes in this life.

Most of the time, we always think maturity comes with age. What do I mean by that? Like the more you are older, the more matured you are expected to be but that does not work that way. In fact I have actually come to discover that maturity does not come with ages, it comes with having the right wisdom to handle things in an appropriate manner.


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The more you grow older, there is every tendency that you will start to face difficult situations the more which translates to circumstances and the more circumstances you face, the more experience we gain. Experience is different from information in the sense that you tend to face it in reality. And when we talk about reality, that means it actually happens.

How we can interpret reality is through circumstances but the more you grow older, you face a lot of circumstances ranging from positive and negative ones but all these things will sum up to you learning more and more and in that process you gain experience.


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But nevertheless, like they always say, no one is an island of knowledge. There are some things I believe that the order people do not know that the youth is aware of probably due to exposure so why not. I strongly believe older people can learn so much from youth but only if they are so wise and humbled to do so.

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Most of the time we always underate experience not knowing that it actually plays a very fundamental role in our life

You are right. There is so much that we can learn from experience that most of the time we always underate

Experience is really key and that is one of the major reasons we must not despise our experience because at the end of the day, it will make up something that will shape us to become a much more better person

'Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.'
– Oscar Wilde

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