Draft of Demands and concession to bring to Justin Sun/Tron negotiation

in Project HOPE5 years ago

So, i have been hearing the Townhalls happening these last days, and honestly all this have been useless, improductive, and a waste of time.

Everything is revolving around discussing what Justin did, what we did, what going round and round again pointing fingers to see who is the baddest of the bad guys.

Please, stop it, and be productive.

What must be done

The stalemate has been reached. Tron cant impose their fork with his plans, and the witness can't impose their fork.

This will only be solved by both sides negotiating, and that resumes to present demands and concessions by both sides.

So, instead of keeping the discussion going of proving how bad Justin is, put a list a demands and concessions and publicize it.

Start from there, and sit down with Justin Sun to negotiate.

What we know

1 - As any other investor Sun want profit over his investment
2 - Sun main motive to do the 'takeover' was to free his investment for him to do what he think is most profitable with it
3 - Justin got exchanges involved on the situation. Motives don't matter yet

What the community wants (demands)

1 - Retraction and public apologies regarding the tweet calling the witness "hackers"
2 - A public commitment from Justin Sun to not get involved on future governance of the blockchain (not Steem and maybe any other blockchain project, except Tron. Tron is his house, he do whatever he wants).
3 - A statement that he will never involve exchanges again on any of his actions related to his projects
4 - Activate the "non voting rights" on the steemit accounts (the reason why all this mess started)
5 - Immediatly removing the fake witnessess from the top 20.
6 - Publish a roadmap in X days detailing what are Tron plans to Steem blockchain
7 - Have regular meetings with witness and community to explain what is happening behind the courtains on Steemit Inc. end

What the community can give (my opinion)

1 - A public statement with apologies for freezing Justin Sun from moving his stake, but enphasizing why this was done (lack of proper communication between what was agreed before his bought)
2 - Temporarely reduce the power down time (not 1-3 days, but a safer still a safer time like 6 weeks, 4 weeks), so he can recover his stake liquidity, and make amends with exchanges.

3 - Sit down to figure out what he wants

Now there is an starting point to talk

Publicize the list of demands and concessions, and sit down to talk to reach an agreement.

Also, in these meetings put on the table what the community can do if demandas aren't executed by Justin:

1 - Not break the stalemate
2 - Continue a public campaing against Justin sun and Tron
3 - Anything else that can damage Tron image.

Going around and around pointing fingers wont solve anything.


@phgnomo I think something is wrong here:
6 - Publish a roadmap in X days detailing what are Tron plans to Steem blockchain

What are Tron plans? They own our blockchain?....I don’t think so. I will definitely redo the sentence: Are they planning to participate in some way to help improve our (users) steem blockchain?

As long as they have the majority of the witnessess (17/30) they can implement whatever code they want, so they owned the blockchain for a brief time.

They just didnt accounted for the possibility of the main Steemic Inc. developers resigning, therefore he couldnt implement the hard fork quickly enough.

So yeah, he can still control the blockchain.

Are they planning to participate in some way to help improve our (users) steem blockchain?

Same thing, different words.

 5 years ago 

Hi appreciated @phgnomo.

1 - Retraction and public apologies regarding the tweet calling the witness "hackers"

Seriously? This is the first demand you would make?
I think you started on the wrong foot.

If it is to be negotiated, both parties must be willing to yield. What is needed is a conciliation. With this initial attitude you show that there is not much to yield.

Your friend, Juan.

Yes, this would go on top of the list because it was a public shaming that was a total lie and personally offensive (for the witness and a bit for the communitty because their vote put them as witness), calling them criminals.

Retracting this statement would show good faith from Justin Sun side, and willingness to stay on equal moral level (in theory at least).

Otherwise, Justin Sun could put himself in a place that he would treat the witnessess as criminals and not as possible future partners, and the witnessess could put themselves as in an aggressive stance because of the offense.

And that is would be a bad start for any negotiation.

 5 years ago 

I think neither side is going to give in. There will be no conciliation. There will be no agreement.
The future looks bleak.

Don't you think that there are changes that need to be done on the blockchain level?

 5 years ago 

Hi @phgnomo

Wise words and good read.

I havent heard this hearing yet. So thank you for sharing that info with us. I'm glad I didn't waste my time. Thx.

Unfortunatelly playing "blame game" is what has been happening for quite a while.

The stalemate has been reached. Tron cant impose their fork with his plans, and the witness can't impose their fork.

Well. Perhaps for the first time Steem is really decentralized. We may learn soon that full decentralization = stalemate (where different parties want different goals and things aren't moving forward because there are always powers stopping some changes).

1 - Retraction and public apologies regarding the tweet calling the witness "hackers"

This is actually insane request. Then so many people here should appologize for tons of insults directed towards Justin from the day 0.

5 - Immediatly removing the fake witnessess from the top 20.

Wow. Absolutely terrible idea. I cannot imagine that person who is in charge od development team and largest stakeholder cannot have anything to say. So after all do we want decentralization or do we want to be back to centralized one small group of users-working-together having monopoly?

Now there is an starting point to talk

I've been voting on old witnesses, so I kind of picked the side. However I absolutely don't think it's a starting point. Why would we require roadmap from Justin, at the same time saying that we want him not to have any vote on future development - so we want all decions to be made by witnesses, and yet we do not expect roadmap from them? Ehm. So confusing.

Yours, Piotr

 5 years ago 

@tipu curate

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