About the 7 days payout and Content Creators attraction (again)

in Project HOPE4 years ago


I have talked about this issue that exists here on Steem a few times in the past, and i still stick to my conclusion:

STEEM is not attractive to professional content creators (or those that want to become one)

Consider professional content creators those people that are already publishing on an established on a platform and already have a big audience, like for example, the king of Youtube PewDiePie.

The main reason for this is the 7 day payout window for all the content published here.

Because who would be insane enough to publish on a platform days of efforts and cost to only have 7 days to be paid for that work?

That is why the kind of content you keep seeing around is from amateurs (me included) and/or quick and easy content.

(There is also the unfair distribution of SP, but that is a story for another day)

Talking about PewDiePie, i just remebered the outrage that happened around here when Dlive packed up and moved the project to another blockchain.

How dare they abandon this amazing blockchain and go to another one? How ungrateful they are!

Well, guess what? They were smart. One of the things they probably realized was that no one would be interested to join Dlive here on Steemit because of this small payout window.

Think they are not smart? Guess who they were able to convince (probably paid something) to join their platform? It's PewDiePie

Anyway, what is even more amazing on this whole payout history is that it seems that every witnesss don't see this as a problem. They think that everything is fine...

But sometimes there is hope. @midlet just published today another possible solution to address the payout window problem.

If you don't want to read it (but i think you should), here is a resume of his suggestion:

  • When you resteem an article, you would be able to write a comment as your own, making it a new post.
  • Then, this resteem post would enter the blockchain as usual, as if you had created a new post, open to recieve rewards for 7 days
  • But, the payout would automatically set as 80% for the original author.
  • Therefore, the more popular a content get, the more the original author is rewarded.

I just would like to add a few lines to his suggestion:

  • Yes, abuse could be a problem with socket puppet accounts could be used to extend a circle-voting system. But his could be mitigated with a system that allowed the community to "flag" these malicious reesteems, cutting the reward from both resteemer and author.
  • Only one resteem per account should be allowed
  • As an incentive from the authors to have their content reach more people, there could be an option for the author to auto-upvote these resteems (quick idea, could have bad implications)

And there is a lot of other things that could be improved on this system.


Add a tipping option the front-ends (another @midlet idea)


It is amazing how the top witness seems to turn a blind eye on this issue. It doesn't matter how much the STEEM blockchain evolves, and more and more apps get built on top of it (wich i think is amazing), the social platform layer will always be around.

And this social layer is the foundation of Steem, so, unless there is improvements on this side, it will probably grow at a slower rate.

Thank you for you attention, and i hope this message somehow reach the top witnessess and they start to seriously discuss this matter.

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The 7 day window is a problem .. and then again it's not so much of a problem.

As the SMTs start to roll out there can be experiments done with changing the payment window and likely will be. I might also note that only on a platform like Steem can you earn multiple tokens at the same time during the payment window.

I write on another platform where people can earn on their articles for life. And it does attract a lot of professional writers. They find that for the most part, their articles have about a 10 day earning window unless they get lucky and something sparks renewed interest.

What many writers there were doing was they are unlisting their articles and then republishing them to gain more attention for them. The platform has recently outlawed the practice. The only way you can get around that is to delete the original and substantially rewrite the new one.

So, the reality is for the most part, you're maybe losing 3 days of income on Steem. I find most of my posts have about a 4 maybe 5 day window where they actually receive upvotes on Steem.

The content remains yours to do with as you wish to you can repurpose it elsewhere. I think that changing the 7 day window to longer or life would be more a mental benefit than a real benefit and it will invite abuse of the system by sock puppets as you've already noted.

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I agree that change the 7 day window could bring a lot of other problems, but there must be other ways to earn for longer for your content.

When you talk about contact that have a +- 10day window on other platforms is more related to content that is consumed only one time.

But when we talk about high quality content, nothing stops people to come back to it, or new people discovering it a long time after it was published.

There is guides, reviews, videos, an all sort of content that have a way bigger lifetime and will keep bringing revenue to it's authors.

A lot of times googling I find article about something that is 1-3 years olds and still useful for me.

Yet, it is a problem, and solutions must be discussed.

I'm talking about content on the other platform that can be consumed multiple times, in fact has to be in order to earn. The content is high quality content as for the most part it is written by professional level writers.

The people who have tracked the earnings on their individual posts have found that beyond 10 days they only rarely receive even a few more cents. So the effective life of a post is 10 days for earning.

Evergreen content, even on Steem, will continue to be found even with the 7 day upvote limit. A savvy content producer will figure out how to monetize even when it can't be upvoted. Anyone running their own blog has to do so as they don't have the upvotes to pay them.

As much as I prefer to see good content producers able to continue to earn, the disadvantages of allowing abuse by leaving posts earning forever offsets any benefit.

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 4 years ago 

I write on another platform where people can earn on their articles for life.

what platform is it @shadowspub?

Well said @phgnomo, thanks for adding your voice to the conversation!

I must confess that, as a casual poster, I was happy that I could earn anything for my posts. The 7 day window never seemed to be an issue to me. But I now see how it definitely would be an issue for a professional content creator. Thank you (and @midlet) for bringing it to our attention! It’s hard to entice people to use a platform where they would make less than they could elsewhere!

Posted via Steemleo

What is your take on the payout window? what do you suggest? I am only thinking that making a shorter payout window may lead to more inflation of the token and that's bad for the price.

On resteem, I think I love this submission:

Then, this resteem post would enter the blockchain as usual, as if you had created a new post, open to receive rewards for 7 days
But, the payout would automatically set as 80% for the original author.

Tipping would also be great for steem.

Posted via Steemleo

What is your take on the payout window? what do you suggest? I am only thinking that making a shorter payout window may lead to more inflation of the token and that's bad for the price.

There is no suggestion here to shorten it. 7 days is already too short. Other platforms allow to you earn for life (as long as the platform is working), so this is were the problem is.

And yes, the resteem idea is a really great one.

other platforms allow to you earn for life (as long as the platform is working

Like which please, that would be great!

Posted via Steemleo

Any of them. Youtube, Medium, Publish0x....

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 4 years ago 

Excellent read @phgnomo

I fully agree, that Steem isn't a good place for professional content creators. Somehow sites like medium.com seem to be doing much better at that particular field.

However I don't understand why would you use Youtuber PewDiePie as an example. He surely has tons of followers, but his content is ... junk :) Far from being professional in any way.

Because who would be insane enough to publish on a platform days of efforts and cost to only have 7 days to be paid for that work?

Very true. 7 days payout period sucks. On top of that it build some particular mindset - we all start to believe that if post is reaching 7 days then it's already VERY OLD. Almost like it was written in different age :) Outdates and uninteresting.

Upvoted already,
Yours, Piotr

However I don't understand why would you use Youtuber PewDiePie as an example. He surely has tons of followers, but his content is ... junk :) Far from being professional in any way.

Here is what is interesting about content: What is junk to some, isn't for others.

I don't think PewDiePie is some kind of amazing new century mind, but i watch him from time to time, and i think he is entertaining.

He is one of the creators i watch when i am looking for some laughs.

And the bigger part of the 'quality' of a content is related to the intended audience.

PewDiePie audience is Young adult gamers, therefore, he offers what his audience like. You probably think it is junk because you aren't among his audience.

If his content was totally worthless, he wouldn't be the top earner youtuber (not sure if he still is, but at least is still among the top)

Also, what i mean by professional isn't related to the subjective quality of the content, but about those that have the content creation as their main source of income, and invest a lot of time and money to improve it's quality and attract more users.

And again, 'content quality' is subjective, and each niche will have it's standards. What matters more on social platforms is popularity (within it's own niche) at the network effect.

 4 years ago 

The publication will remain forever in the blockchain. If what you want is to appreciate the value of the content, you can always do it.

Now let's talk about payment. Increasing the payment window will not allow you to earn significantly greater rewards. We can compare with the Publish0x platform, there the payment period for publications does not have an expiration date. But this does not imply greater rewards. Most users look for the latest posts to tip. When publications have more than three days, they practically no longer receive payment.

This 7-day window allows us to enjoy "fresh" content, also meets the brain proof for participants.

Resteem a post should not generate payment. This will bring more abuse problems to our platform, which will later become, surely, in more censorship.

 4 years ago 

I share the view that the payment window is very small, it does not favor the creation of content that can be thought of in the long term.

I didn't know about DLive, but it's understandable when you explain it.

I think that in part, as a way to address this limitation of having only 7 days to monetize the content, there was an idea to create a site that allowed to continue sharing and monetizing the posts, I saw it at https://steem-bounty.com/services/forever some time ago, I haven't used it much, but I wonder how it works.

By the way, enter the link you put at the end of the post: https://www.rotate4all.com/ptp/promote-178799
It seems interesting, how did it work for you?

Interesting idea this Steem Forever from Steem-bounty, but maybe too much trouble to go throuhg. And it only works if the steem-bounty front-end is used...

That link is shows random ads, and you get a few cents for each view. It's not much, but i am seeing if will help on the long run.

 4 years ago 

You're right in that limitation that it only works from the Steem-Bounty frontend itself

hi dear @phgnomo

I agree with the 7 days of payment, it seems reasonable. What I find attractive is the proposal about the reblog, it seems like a good idea that adds value. I think that with this of the tribes, things will move and move forward positively for everyone.

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