When Should You Employ Someone to Assist in Running Your Small Business?

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Hello friends, hope your Monday is going well? You know that as usual I love to bring you exciting information and lessons I gain from my business, I am happy to get feedbacks from you and that makes me even want to share more with you all the time. Today I will be talking about the appropriate time to employ someone to assist you in running the affairs of your small business.

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When I started my small business, the first mistake I made was with location, I choose a location that was not really cool for the type of business I was presenting, I (and my partner) wanted to present class and elegance at an affordable rate for the members of the community but unfortunately that was not what they needed. The community saw a classy place as a region where they must not enter, they feel more concerned about spending all they make on food and drinks and they give less care to their bodies.

Another serious mistake was trusting people to run the affairs of the business when it first started, this act almost ruined the business completely, I should have stayed and watched over it by myself but after I realized how much was taken from the business I quickly laid off the workers and I decided to handle and monitor the remains myself with the hope of building something good from it, I did not have the time to do any other thing than monitor the business, I grew really pale after sometime because I was trying to do everything by myself I was scared of employing anyone to help me run the affairs of the business because I was scared of a bad re-occurrence of what had happened before.

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Anytime I had an important call I will have to lock up or shut down business for some time and I just knew that was not in any way healthy for business but I kept on doing it while my customers complained bitterly about my incompetence. I finally gave up the chase after I feel seriously ill and business was closed down for a long time which sent my customers away.

Now I have started the process of employing people to work for me but this time around I make sure that I monitor them closely, I still do not have much time to while away or sleep for long but I know that even if I have to travel for a profitable venture, business will still be running properly and all I have to is to do a proper calculation by the time I get back.

With this experience, I have learnt that there is no crime in employing someone to assist your small business (if the business can afford it), but do not make your employees take charge of your small business totally else they may ruin it, take the role of a manager and accountant and make sure that everything is going well in the business place. Thanks a lot for reading stay loved and blessed, I am @oluwatobiloba


Location can determined a lot in business prospect of been successful and that's why many people fall of the mistake of wrong location for their business

You are right, thanks a lot for coming around.

That point when the task becomes too much for you and your business can conveniently pay a second party without stress then I think it is a good time to get someone to assist.

You are correct Sister, thanks for coming around.

Hello friend, I think we always need someone to help us, of course at the right time, when our business allows it. Sometimes it is impossible to carry out all the activities one by one so we must give the opportunity to another person, without losing sight of our business.

Thanks a lot for coming around.

Taking into account the type of business and the location is very important, because This way you avoid making mistakes that can be fatal, how the one you comment, it could have been avoided if a more in-depth market study had been done, but it still seems to me that overcoming all these Difficulties teach us to do things better and help others.

Thanks for sharing your experience!.

Experiences always teach us better lessons.

Greetings friend, from the experiences we learn, everything in excess is bad, we can not leave everything in the hands of employees and we can not do everything ourselves. It is there where the learning is that we must be excellent managers where to plan, to organize and to control the own activities of the company.

Thank you for sharing your experiences, successes 🤝

Thanks a lot for coming around friend.

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