Waking Up To My Duties As A Boss.

in Project HOPE3 years ago (edited)

I really don't know if it is because of the compliment I receive from people about my skill for bleing able to interact and sell properly but even after I employ someone to help me manage the affairs of my physical business I find it really difficult to stay away, I really feel that the person there might not be able to interact with customers as much as I would and my presence there will do a lot of good and make a great positive impact.

I was doing the duty of a boss, trying to make sales, I was also trying to make sure that I get along well with other side hustles that will give me the money to support my business, it was as if I was trying to split myself into different places and definitely I was giving the lady working for me free salary since I was not allowing her to do her job. Thankfully, I still find time to learn, so I dedicated time to learn certain things about what I should know as a boss and it was during one of those learning process that I discovered I was not doing things the right way.


As a boss I should be able to employ someone that I can trust, someone that I can confidently leave the running of the business in her care and not get scared that anything is going to happen, my job as an employee is to supervise and because I have been busy trying to do the job of an employee I have not been doing well as an employer.
I realized it was my responsibility to take decisions that will impact growth in the business, if I want growth to happen in the business then I have to be ready and willing to make the desired sacrifice that will make it happen, I cannot do that by getting engaged with the activity of making sales, while I remained actively involved in the job that was not meant for me I noticed that my thinking was limited to the present business alone, I was unable to think further about how I could grow the business and all I could think about was how to make sales every day.

Since I have an employee, it should be the job of the employee to make sure that sales are going on appropriately every day, it is my own job to think about how we will be able to reach more customers and grow the business then I will pass the information across to her and we can work on it together. I am really thankful that I learnt this now and I know better than trying to do the same job with my employee, not only is it a waste of time it is also a waste of resources. Thanks for reading friends, do enjoy the rest of the week.


Hello friend, there will always be that fear of putting what is ours in someone else's hands, but it is necessary when pursuing financial freedom. A business should allow us more time, it should not be just another job, otherwise I think we are not doing things right. Greetings.

Thanks for sharing your opinion friend and I completely agree with you on that.

Thanks for sharing a really great post. This subject is remarkable and truly relatable as well. I guess you are a perfectionist, this is why you always want things to turn out the right way. I understand this, they say if you want things done the right way, do them yourself! Nice one.

You are correct friend but there are situations when you cannot just do everything yourself and you will require someone to help you and that is something I am learning to do.

You just have to learn how to sit back and watch others perform their duties or like you have mentioned correctly you risk performing their duties for them and paying them for the job you are doing.

I am really learning hoe to do that and I am learning fast too.

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