Taking Charge of Your Financial Status in a Poor Country.

in Project HOPE4 years ago

It is an unfortunate situation that most countries are filled with bad leaders and for those of us who come from African countries, our plight is certainly worse as we see our leaders make decisions that is good for themselves and their pockets while citizens are left to stay hungry and broke, surviving in countries like this appear to be difficult and making an headway is another difficult task on its own.

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Rising as a business owner in this country is actually difficult because every day you are faced with new regulations and tax payment that are beyond what you can afford, there are usually politically linked business men and women at the top who want to take over every major sector, making it extremely difficult for a usual business man or woman to take over the winning sector.

A lot of people who have grown in poor countries have been made to believe that if they are not politicians who can steal government fund, then they cannot get wealthy which is a very wrong notion. I will like to ask few questions before I proceed.

Have you ever seen anyone in a rich country being poor?
Have you ever seen anyone in a poor country being rich?
Does this mean everyone from a poor country is supposed to remain poor?
Does it mean every business emerging in a poor country should never see lime light?

There are people who live in first class countries and are extremely poor, there are also people who live in really poor countries but have gradually been able to build their wealth.
There are men in poor countries who do not have any link with political leaders but have built their business to the top.

Reasons for having large number of poor people in poor nations.

Growing in a place has so much to say about the life of a child, kids who grow in poor countries and poor families are usually used to hearing that government or their parent is the reason for their predicament and this continues to other generation.

Growing up in a poor country will give you no reason to desire wealth, when everyone around you is poor as a child, they give you reasons why being wealthy is bad and then you begin to desire the same life for yourself and your kids.



Building wealth in poor countries.

The wealth of your country is different from your personal wealth and because your leaders choose to embezzle the wealth of the nation does not mean you should sip from their remains all your life, you can also build an empire for yourself.

It is not about leaving your country to a rich one, the fact that you run to a rich country does not ascertain that you will get rich. A lot of young people in my country only have the ambition to run away from Nigeria and that is not the solution.

Be positive, take a look at the lifestyle of those who have made it to the top in your country without stealing government fund, you should follow after their direction and irrespective of how corrupt your country is, there is a path that could help you create wealth there.

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I also grew up in a family where everyone believes it is wrong to desire riches as a matter of fact they consider it demonic, I decided to start a business after school and it was just another drama on its own, everyone considered me to be an unserious person, they wanted me to take up a job irrespective of how low the payment was it was preferred to having my own business (according to them), so trust me when I say we are in the boat together.

I have a made a decision that I am going to rise to the top in my country no matter how bad the situation looks and I want you to have the same determination, the fact that our country is poor does not mean we should remain poor all our lives. Thank you so much for reading, I am @oluwatobiloba.


Exactly, I agree with you, the mentality is l let's say more essential part to the time to do business and keep one feeling motivated, having discipline but above all focus and keep positive ideas. Thus success is achieved, and s everyone criticizes you, it's because surely you are doing it very well!.Great post

Thank you for the nice words @rein, happy you came around my blog.

@oluwatobiloba we have to keep a track of our financial planning otherwise we will face huge consensuses in future.

Absolutely.... Thanks for coming around friend.

I answer your question, have you ever seen someone in a rich country being poor? Yes, I have, my country VENEZUELA, I know it's not as bad as ours or the truth I don't even know what to think anymore, but my country was one of the richest in the world, the country desired by everyone, where everyone wanted to go, and today it took a 180-degree turn. We are no longer the desired country but the unwanted, the criticized, the one that is in the news every day but for the worse, in spite of that I am proud of my country and my people, I grew up there and I consider myself a great person because of it.

As you say thanks to a few who fill their pockets we have had to go through misery, hunger, fear, death, violence, all of it a little bit, but something that if it characterizes us is that we are going through what we are going through we will always have a smile on our face and say "WE ARE OK", we will make a joke of any situation no matter how bad it is, because many only have that, their charisma and their desire to laugh.

I know on my own that it is not easy, I had to leave my country having a profession in order to have quality of life, and I do not regret it, even though I miss my Venezuela very much, I know that I also have to look for a better future for me and mine. I am very grateful for everything you gave me, and one day I will return the favor. I honestly don't know what the situation is there, how bad it is, but have faith that everything will be better and keep working to get ahead!

It is unfortunate that bad leadership has wrecked our dear country and has made it a shadow of itself, I am glad you are happy that is one thing we should not throw away.

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