My Favourite Cryptocurrency- How Can We Get Businesses to Accept as Payment?

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Hello friends, hope you are having a great weekend? So I came across this steemit contest and I felt I should share my own version of cryptocurrency journey also, you will find the link to the contest beneath my post.


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When I leant abut cryptocurrency (steemit) and how long I have held it.

I actually got an insight to the cryptocurrency world through steemit, a very close friend introduced me to steemit in April 2017 and at that time I was just rounding up with my BSC programme so I jumped right in and I was giving it my time, writing is something I love to do so even if it was not rewarding at the time I continued to give in my best. Basically it was through steemit I started to get an idea about other cryptocurrencies and even if I have an idea about other cryptocurrency projects, at the moment steem still remains the only cryptocurrency project that has my time and attention.

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The platform I like to trade my cryptocurrency.

Binance is convenient for me, it is pretty easy to convert my token to Nigerian currency (Naira).

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How long have I believed in steemit?

I have been using steem since April 2017 and I am still an active user up till date.

The reason why I still use steemit and the changes steemit brought to my life.

If there is one reason I kept on blogging on steemit even without support for a long time, it is because steemit came through for me financially after my BSC programme, I was unable to secure a job after graduation and coming from a family that had spent almost everything at home to see me through the BSC programme it was not a funny experience, but Nigerian steemit community was given a great support back then with a very capable team leader who was seriously giving support to a lot of people back then, I was able to pay some bills at home.

My writing skills have greatly improved, during the periods of publicizing steem that I wrote about above I got to meet more people whose relationship I still consider valid up until this point.

How to get businesses in Nigeria to accept cryptocurrency (Steemit) as a form of payment.

About three years ago when there was a support for the Nigerian steemit members, some of us dedicated ourselves to the business of promoting steem and we travelled to different
states around Nigeria to publicize the business of steem, a lot of people were getting more interested in steem until there was a change of power and the cheer leader at that time lost the power he was using to support Nigerians on steemit, there was nothing to motivate Nigerians to come on board any longer and since then there has been a great decline in the way people in my country are interested in steemit. Although very few of us are still active on steemit but a lot of people left.

Getting businesses to accept cryptocurrency as a form of payment in my country is going to be a little difficult and the reason for this is that, a lot of people in my country consider cryptocurrency as a form of scam and until people become really aware that cryptocurrency is not fraud in my country it will be difficult for businesses to accept it as a means of payment.

If it is possible for support to be given to the Nigerian community on steemit with a capable team leader like we had back then, the fame of steemit will spread very far and so many Nigerians will consider accepting cryptocurrency as a means of payment. I run a physical business and I accept cryptocurrency as a means of payment, we only need to get more business owners like me to believe in steemit.

Thanks a lot for reading, I am @oluwatobiloba.

On Telegram: @oluwatobiloba
On Discord: @oluwatobiloba#6116

Link to the original contest supported by @steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02 and organized by @steemitblog.


Hello friend an excellent publication, I believe that these contests allow us to know more about our history in this world of the cryptomonas. Thanks to them the lives of many people have changed.

You are correct Sister, I am grateful for steem.

Thank you for entering this Crypto Challenge. You didn't win this time, but do keep entering. Four more topics coming up.

Who was the Nigeria community leader you worked with on Steem before?

There are now two Country Representatives in Nigeria - @focusnow and @beautychicks. Do you know them?

Thank you

The Steemit Team

Hello @steemcurator01, the Nigeria community team leader then was @gbenga.
I do not know the new country representatives personally but I think I have seen their names on steemit before.

Wow! You too joined cryptocurrency through steemit? We'll soon have our get together. I also run a business, though an online store and I'm planning to start accepting cryptocurrencies as payments.

I don't blame people that believe crypto to be scam. Sometimes, conveners are not sincere. They promise too much and raise so much expectations from interested newbies. When these people come, they'll see that what they heard is not what actually obtainable.

For people to accept crypto here in Nigeria as genuine, conveners have to come out with the full truth and show people practical steps on how to go about crypto successfully.

I strongly believe you don't get people interested by hefty promises but you can get them with really successful testimonials.

Nice entry. Thank you for sharing.

You are right friend, exactly what we were doing at that time, we never presented steem as an avenue to get rich quickly but rather as a way to work hard and earn some extra income legitimately.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 58752.84
ETH 3153.55
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.44