How I got rid of the fear I had towards expansion in business.

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Recently, my business partner and I have been discussing about expansion and we have been trying to strategize on how we can go about it but as much as I am happy about the development, there is a part of me that is still very much scared, my mind has been going through what could happen after we decide to expand, I have constantly questioned myself about the sales pattern after the expansion takes place and I know that this fear I am developing in my heart might be a strong force to fight against growth which isn’t healthy for my business at all.

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I decided to look up some articles on the internet that will boost my mind and help me to get more courageous about the entire expansion process, after learning I also know that this piece of information might be very useful to other entrepreneur either today or in the future and the result of the information gathered, I will be sharing in this post.

The very common reason why we fear is because we are scared of failure, we are scared of appearing very stupid before everyone and for an entrepreneur like me, I am scared that the expansion proposed might not be fully acceptable by customers or that things may not go as I have planned. As I did my research like I have mentioned before, I got a very touchy explanation towards fear and it says, a lot of people are indeed lazy but they love to hide behind the name of fear to conceal their lay attitude this is because it is easier for them to be regarded as being scared or being lazy.

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Even if a new attempt is scary and you are scared of the embarrassment that may arise from it, you have to remember that there is no harm in trying. It is better to fail while trying than to die not trying at all, even if the project foreseen does not end up as planned, there is no news that says you will be the first to fail and the record of failure does not mean there is no longer room for success and the truth is, failure gives room for the expansion of knowledge and the tendency to gain more knowledge as well.

Always think about what the success of that project is going to add to your personality and the business as a whole, if you however decide not to try at all, the benefit that should have been obtained from the success of the business would need to be completely ignored. After reading this, I had the courage to go on with my expansion process when the funds come and I hope that reading this post would also help you eliminate the fear you have.


I wish you good luck in this new expansion!

Thank you so much.

Once you take the first couple of steps, you will realise that fear was just an illusion.
It is very difficult to come out of those limiting (fear) beliefs but once we are out of it, new life awaits us.

New life comes as a result of taking new steps, restricting ourselves will add no good impact to us.

Hi friend, I think we should always try to do things, maybe everything will go wrong but maybe not, if we don't try we will never know what would have happened. Thanks for sharing. Greetings!

Trying is what provides result, thanks for coming around.

You are right. Most time the reason why we fear is because we are afraid of failure. Unless we learn to be bold over failure, fear will always control us

In business one takes risks and more when looking for an expansion, thanks to that risks come out good business with a good long and medium term strategy

Expansion is indeed a great deal in business every good business needs to expand and for that to happen fear needs to get eliminated I am happy for you sister, keep winning.

fears are a mechanism of the body to preserve us, you should not ignore those hunches that may be warning you that it is not a right way, people think that bigger is better but I invite you to look for the new minimalist business models, a model where less is more and where what matters is the highest profit at the lowest risk.

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