Competition # 2 Project Hope: for all content creators by @okoyejoshua

in Project HOPE4 years ago

images (11)-01.jpeg

@okoyejoshua Through power point 2010 using public domain images

Greetings my fellow members of this community called @project.hope and I want to thank the organizers of this contest @juanmolina and @josevas217 for such a wonderful contest that will get us to upload quality posts under the rules of no plagiarism.

Now let us dive into this contest that say we should explain the meaning of this phrase which states that:

"Education manufactures machines that act like men and produces men who act like machines.".

I know you are already confused but i am going to help the breaking down of this phrase into two phrase then i explain them both, so don't worry because you will understand what it means.

Education Manufactures machines that act like men

This means that Through Education human beings are creating Machines that acts as a human because we are getting to an in time when there will be less man power and more technologies.

Education produces men who act like machines

This means the reason why men needs machines who act like them because Education is part of man and if it makes man act like machines it is because that how we are supposed to act, i mean without education i would not be able to write this post and if i can create a machine that will do it for me i will because it then makes it easier.

The design of the portal was made by @okoyejoshua, using public domain images


Grateful with the community @project.hope and with all the management team of the same one that they push us to continue working in a mutual and balanced growth.


Uploaded image of the Proyecto.hope community


I think machines are a great addition to mankind!

Hi @okoyejoshua
Thank you very much for participating in the contest. Yes, I can really agree with you that education is something fundamental in human beings.

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