An introduction to Lucky Framework, Lucky HTML, and Crystal Language

in Project HOPE4 years ago

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What is Lucky?

Lucky is a framework written in the Crystal programming language. Crystal is a static typed, compiled language with syntax EXTREMELY similar to Ruby. In Lucky's own words, "Lucky is a web framework written in Crystal. It helps you work quickly, catch bugs at compile time, and deliver blazing fast responses."

For more or less, Lucky is similar to other web application frameworks such as Python's Django or Ruby's Ruby on Rails.

What I like about Lucky is that it uses Crystal. The static typing catches a lot of bugs at compile time. There is also LuckyHTML, which I will talk a little more about, which allows you to render your HTML using Crystal methods! Neat! This also provides type checks and safety, thus reducing bugs.

So, what is Lucky HTML?

Well, it's basically what I just said. Lucky uses Crystal methods for rendering HTML. The Crystal methods map as closely as possible to how HTML is used.

Lucky uses Crystal methods for rendering HTML. The Crystal methods map as closely as possible to how HTML is used.

Here is an example of rendering a page in Lucky HTML. This example is assigning the the array of names to 'user_names' which can then be called in the Index page template.

# in src/actions/users/
class Users::Index < BrowserAction
  get "/users" do
    # Renders the Users::IndexPage
    html IndexPage, user_names: ["Paul", "Sally", "Jane"]

and here is how that user_names would be called:

# in src/pages/users/
class Users::IndexPage < MainLayout
  needs user_names : Array(String)

  def content
    ul class: "my-user-list" do
      user_names.each do |name|
        li name, class: "user-name"

That's about all I'll give you on Lucky for now. This is just a really brief introduction to a small part of Lucky. It's a pretty big framework.

There is a lot more that I could go into, but if you're interested you can head over to the Lucky and/or Crystal website to learn more about both. They do a better job at explaining it anyway. 🤣

I'll leave you with one more example from an app I'm currently working on. This is a page template. So, this will render on every page. It's using Bootstrap as a CSS framework, so the nav classes may look a bit familiar to you.

abstract class MainLayout
  include Lucky::HTMLPage

  # 'needs current_user : User' makes it so that the current_user
  # is always required for pages using MainLayout
  needs current_user : User

  abstract def content
  abstract def page_title

  # MainLayout defines a default 'page_title'.
  # Add a 'page_title' method to your indivual pages to customize each page's
  # title.
  # Or, if you want to require every page to set a title, change the
  # 'page_title' method in this layout to:
  #    abstract def page_title : String
  # This will force pages to define their own 'page_title' method.
  def page_title
    "Welcome to, where you can learn more about the Crystal programming language!"

  def render

    html lang: "en" do
      mount Shared::LayoutHead, page_title: page_title, context: context

      body do
        div(class: "container mt-3") do
          mount Shared::FlashMessages, context.flash

  private def render_top_nav
    ul(class: "nav nav-fill justify-content-center") do
      li(class: "nav-item") do 
        link "Home",  Users::Dashboard, class: "nav-link"
      li(class: "nav-item") do 
        link "Dashboard", Users::Dashboard, class: "nav-link"
      li(class: "nav-item") do 
        link "Questions",  Questions::Index, class: "nav-link"
      li(class: "nav-item dropdown") do 
        a "#{current_user.display_name}", href: "#", class: "nav-link dropdown-toggle", data_toggle: "dropdown", role: "button", aria_haspopup: "true", aria_expanded: "true"
        div(class: "dropdown-menu") do 
          link "Edit Profile",  Users::Edit.with(, class: "dropdown-item"
          link "Sign out", SignIns::Delete, class: "dropdown-item"

As I said, here's the links to check out Lucky and Crystal. Enjoy!

Follow me for more programming and crypto related posts! Right now, I am doing a lot of work with Crystal and Lucky, as well as Flutter/Dart!

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