From Lorenz's philosophy to psychology

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)
Greetings fellow Steemit community, welcome back to my blog, where you can find content from the broad universe of science, mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, philosophy and general knowledge accompanied by scientific outreach, a special hello to the communities Spanish-speaking communities that stimulate science content.


At different times in the history of humanity, science has been supported by other disciplines, to respond to many unknowns and theories, to which science is linked with philosophy and psychology, just as Mendel is a great pioneer of genetics in which he carried out his research and documentation work with a plant, since it was the natural resource they had where it was located, the same happened in the field of science of psychology, where most of them studied behavior in animals, which served as a basis for understanding behavior, stimulation, learning, attachment in humans, in such a way that it impacted represents each of the characteristics previously mentioned by us as an individual in its cause and effects. The culture friend reader presupposes nature, since starting from the evolutionary theory of knowledge approach it does not explain or say that it does not describe the evolution of human knowledge, but rather it tries to show the evolution of the cognitive faculties, as it is also important to mention all the Biological transformations, cultural capacities developed at an early stage in an evolutionary way in a very small or small way to mention in this way.

Now well the importance of instinctive behavior in animals, served as a basis to define and develop the meaning of the principle of imprinting, which shows the process where instinctively unite with the first moving object that they see within the first few hours of hatching, over time it develops an apprenticeship.

Imprinting is a form of learning, since young animals will be imprinted by any large moving object, be it a machine or a person, and experience with that object is necessary for learning. Information consulted in Psychobiology II by Montserrat Pérez Pàmies, 1998.

It is appropriate to mention Konrad Zacharias Lorenz is recognized as one of the founding fathers of the field of ethology, which is as a separate sub-discipline of biology, focusing on the simplicity of the study of animal behavior, over time it became evident the principle of attachment or imprint, managing to demonstrate where some species form a link between a newborn animal and its caretaker, so to speak, in reference to ethology as part of their studies focusing on animal behavior, strategies such as observing were developed its full range of behaviors in its direct in the natural world, is already in that way to evidence and document in real time the animal behavior freely in its ecosystem as a whole, which often using the anthropomorphization mechanisms was to imagine its mind States. It seems unbelievable, but all this advances in the science of psychology served as a basis for understanding the emotions and learning experienced by human beings.

Lorenz in his field of study allowed him to determine the action carried out in the learning processes of birds, taking wild geese as a species, with an objective based on observation, which in turn allowed him to evidence and document how only a few simple chicks learn to recognize and follow the parents, over time this undergoes an adaptation process under the action of auditory or visual stimuli, managing to make an imprint as a learning type and understanding in such ways several patterns are defined of animal behavior.

Konrad Zacharias Lorenz (1903 -1989), Wikipedia's source of domino image, Author:

Being clear about the order of ideas, it is important to say that the imprint refers to a way of acquiring basic learning for the survival of a species, where it is clear that it involves it as a phenomenon in which psychological, biological and social processes converge Through biological studies, as I mentioned earlier, dear reader, it is how this phenomenon has adapted in an important way to psychology and managed to provide great information that allowed us to understand the development of the human being in reference to emotions and learning, where we can also do Reference to the following: Filial imprinting as part of attachment, Sexual imprinting in this type shows us how an animal learns to recognize the characteristics of a sexual partner, it is also part of another type of adoptive coexistence learning.


[1]-Psychobiology II by Montserrat Pérez Pàmies, 1998.


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