The importance of sleep for good health

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Computers and mobile phones were invented at the beginning of the 21st century, so, many people now stay up late watching computer, mobile or TV. Even all domestic and business events, including weddings, are usually held at night.

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This changing lifestyle may have its benefits, but it has a devastating effect on human health, affecting the natural sleep system in humans. According to a research, today's man sleeps "one hour" less than the people of the past. Millions of extremely busy men and women can get only four to six hours of sleep in 24 hours.

Just as eating and breathing are important for our survival, so sleeping and resting keep us healthy. Most importantly, when we sleep peacefully, our brain factory begins to perform the important task of repairing it at full speed.

Millions of brain cells (neurons) attached to this plant are now running and working. They clean the routes where the electric signals run and make us do our daily work. The brain checks to see if the body has an abundance of hormones, enzymes, and proteins. Factory workers also expel toxic wastes from the brain that, when collected, harm human health.

So, sleep is the natural tonic through which the most important organ of the human body repairs itself and makes itself strong and useful again. Being busy with work all day makes the brain tired. Then sleep gives him the required comfort and new energy. According to scientists, sleep is the best and most nutritious tonic for the brain.

Modern research has discovered several benefits of getting seven to eight hours of sleep a night. For example, sleeping well increases our concentration. Intelligence increases and memory sharpens. We make our plans better. In addition, the body's fat burning system is strengthened. That way we keep our weight under control. When we get up early in the morning, we feel refreshed and not tired.

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Sleep protects us from nasty diseases like diabetes, heart disease and hypertension. The risk of cancer, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease also decreases. But man gets all the above mentioned gifts only when he gets full sleep naturally. The above mentioned benefits are usually not obtained by taking sleeping pills as it is an unnatural method. That is why medical experts in Western countries are now advocating that if one wants to be physically and mentally fit, he must get seven to eight hours of sleep naturally.

Millions of people around the world think that if they sleep for three or four hours, they will stay healthy. They do not pay much attention to daytime fatigue and drowsiness caused by lack of sleep. However, lack of sleep has now become a major disease, such as heart disease and diabetes.

Lack of sleep can lead to many psychological and physical disorders. For example, a person becomes impatient and gets angry over a trivial matter. He loses his temper and cannot concentrate properly.

Millions of students, especially in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia, suffer from sleep deprivation. As such, they are often found sleeping in groups. They spend the night in front of the computer or mobile phone while they cannot study during the day. That is why the governments of the above countries are considering extending the hours of educational institutions in the morning so that children and youth can sleep longer.

If lack of sleep becomes a common phenomenon, then it also has a big disadvantage. That is, when a brain cell or neuron cannot withstand the workload, it dies. This is very dangerous because unlike other body cells, new cells are not born in the brain.

The number of cells in an adult brain remains the same throughout life. But lack of sleep is such a dangerous process that it kills the brain cells and makes a person mentally weak. For example, his memory is affected and he cannot pay attention to anything easily.

When we are awake, our brain looks like a busy airport. Then due to our work, electrical signals from eyes, tongue, hands, feet, skin, legs, etc., reach the brain. As brain activity increases, so do more brain cells. Even the "86%" part of the brain is surrounded by them. But when the darkness gradually spreads and we fall into the sweet embrace of sleep, the activity of the brain cells also slows down.

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The first period of early hours of sleep is called "non-REM" or non-rapid eye movement in medical terms. In this non-REM age, the activity of the brain cells does not remain fast but begins to slow down. This period is followed by the REM era. During this time, the activity of the brain cells almost ceases. Medical experts say that throughout the night, our brain goes through an exchange of non- REM and REM every 1.5 hours.

Many people work late into the night and suffer from insomnia. The reason is that the process of working keeps them smart and alert. So if you want a good night's sleep, stop working in the evening and relax your body and mind. If our body is dehydrated, we feel stressed and anxious. This anxiety then interferes with good sleep. So we shouldn't sleep thirsty at night and keep our body hydrated.

Thank you for reading! Stay Safe!👋😌




Hello @munawar1235!
Important information that you present to us. Not sleeping well is becoming a problem for many especially in these times of stress, uncertainty, anxiety, however, you have to stay healthy and try to sleep the necessary hours creating the right conditions and away a little of so much technology and thoughts agobiantes.gracias for sharing!

Hello @munawar1235, I have experienced this process of mental exhaustion due to lack of sleep many times just when I have long working hours, and to compensate for mental exhaustion I usually take at least 2 short naps a day when there is a lot of work.

Thank you for this perfect description of how important it is to sleep to relax our mind and body.

 3 years ago 

Dear @munawar1235

I just found a moment to check out this post. It attracted my attention already yesterday, but I only had a chance to get to it now.
Interesting read. Upvoted already:)

Myself I've been focusing on making sure, that I do get proper 7 hours of sleep. And every day before I go to bed - I will spent 20-30 minutes clearing out my mind and practicing Wim Hof breathing technique.
(have you ever heard of it?)

Cheers, Piotr

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