Social media addiction and its effects on our mind

in Project HOPE4 years ago
Nowadays, social media has become an addiction, in which everyone from children to the elderly are caught. According to experts, the definition of addiction is any action that has a negative effect on your life and you are unable to give up the habit despite knowing it.

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According to the research of Dr. Gaber Matt, one of the world's leading experts, every addiction is related to some kind of mental shock. Any failure in life leads to some kind of addiction. When someone has an emotional shock, he seeks the help of another human being like himself. As a social animal, man has an innate desire to connect with other human beings.

Addiction is the constant contact with social networking pages and not being able to stay without them. Research has shown that the use of social networking sites has become an addiction for a large number of people. People who live by the thought of taking selfies every moment are not living as much as they are capturing life on camera.

According to research by Harvard University experts, when a person is doing social networking, a certain part of his brain, nucleus accumbens becomes active. It is the part of the brain that is activated by the use of drugs (such as cocaine,etc).Therefore, social media is also an addiction, which captures its users in such a way that the users are being used themselves instead of using it. This addiction eats away our creativity and makes us travelers to the imaginary world.

How many likes, how many comments, how many shares have been counted and we have forgotten our true value. A person suffering from selfishness and hypocrisy also suffers from loneliness in the list of 5000 friends.

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According to a recent study, taking selfies over and over again is a mental disorder called selfitis. Experts say that if a person takes a selfie more than six times a day and posts it on social media, it means that he has a lot of mental disorders. 03 out of every 10 photos are selfies on social media. One thousand selfies are posted on Instagram every ten seconds. A conservative estimate is that 93 million selfies are taken daily worldwide.

If we take it on film roll, we will need 2.5 million rolls a day. The craze for taking selfies has become a syndrome in itself. People with this syndrome take thousands of photos of themselves, then choose one of the best photos and post it after editing it. People with this syndrome try to take pictures of themselves during leisure trips, friends' meetings, car shows and especially adventures, which can sometimes be very dangerous.

Every day news of such accidents keeps passing through our eyes that someone lost his life while trying to take a selfie, someone fell into a river and someone was hit by a train. Some veterans even go so far as to attempt suicide. One such case was that of a boy named Danny Bowman, who attempted suicide at the age of 16. Danny says that he used to stand in front of the mirror for ten hours and take pictures of himself, looking for faults in it and every time he would find something wrong. This failure made him so heartbroken that he even tried to take his own life.

What needs to be understood in this whole scenario is that what you see on the social networking pages is very different from what it actually is. Some people form an opinion about you by looking or reading on social networking pages, and when you get a chance to meet them in real life, you realize that your guesses were not correct.

Someone you think is very positive can turn out to be a negative person. Or you had negative feelings or impressions about a person but in real life he is a sophisticated person. Our young generation in particular suffers from a sense of inferiority and they want to deviate from their real life and give an impression of their personality that has nothing to do with reality.

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The name of life is to live with laughter by fulfilling the goal of real life. Nothing is bad, but misuse makes it bad. Not only can you see the benefits of social media, but it is also important to evaluate whether you are using social media to become active or routine.

According to experts, you can ask yourself a few questions to find out if you have become addicted or if your commitment is purposeful and healthy. The first question to ask yourself is what is your main goal when using social media? The second question is, are you a victim of this technology and do you get used to it? And then try to see if you are being used with your own hands, why do you need to use it?

Thank you for reading! Stay Safe!👋😌




Hi @munawar1235

I think I personally have to do a detox over the winter holidays. The lockdown really increased my usage of social media. It scares me a bit. ✨


Hello @munawar1235

As biological beings, pleasure creates addiction, and I consider that the interaction that we have when accessing social media, provides us in a certain way sensations of pleasure, aspect that from the psychological side will affect us, now the point, is if we allow it to affect us in a positive or negative way. Good article, which allows us to rethink the usefulness we are giving to social media.

My dear, I literally watch a lot of young minds waste their time away on social media everyday in the consideration of how many likes they can get on a picture and that is highly pathetic.

Hello @munawar1235, without a doubt, you surprise me with the ability of our brain to adapt to certain situations, in the case of social networks and prolonged use of this, it is surprising to know that it generates stimuli similar to drug use. Thank you for sharing such an interesting contribution.

This is really an eye opener and I must confess to you that I also fall into some categories related to this post but it's just that I'm more addicted to Steemit and other Crypto related activities platforms.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💓💕

Hello @munawar1235
I've gone through your write-up, indeed all you said are right. Social media pictures should never be trusted

Myself have to minimize how I use my phone this days after I noticed that I could not sleep like before and I know it's because of the attention I gave to the gadget

Pls @munawar1235 I want to be part of this great community @project.hope, I am delighted in writing blog like yours here, what are the requirements needed to join the group

Hello friend, you are right, everything in excess is bad, nowadays people are immersed in technology and cling to it to cover other gaps. Only those who are mentally healthy or at least aware of the situation escape from that sequence. I believe that the generation most affected is the young, since they are more susceptible. There is where parents must act and where home education must take a radical turn.

This is an important issue, many people live more aware of what happens in social networks than what happens in their environment, it is very noticeable in a family meeting, when especially the youngest have their face sunk in the phone, instead of participating in the meeting. And I didn't know that taking selfies over and over again was a mental disorder and that it even had a name, thank you for sharing the information.

Our mind is diverted by the social media . Currently social media is not a tool it's a weapon to change someone's mind.

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