Skills will be changing in the nearest future, a future-proof skill is needed

in Project HOPE4 years ago

In the past decades, the ability to work became the ability to make money, people were able to earn a very good income by working for or creating a factory. The Industrial age was a very good time for a lot of people and so many people started learning skills related to craft as it became the needed. Time has changed and people now are now in the internet age.

The internet has hanged a lot of things and it has made a lot of people become really employed even in this period of downtime in the economy. A lot of people have become internet oriented and now must deal with skills related to computers, even physical businesses now need the help of the computer to make activities and tasks easier.

Skills have changed currently and the jobs that pay well currently are jobs that people can do remotely or from the comfort of their homes, others are jobs that will be done without stress but rather a proof of brain.


Possible Skills going into Extinction

Most of the jobs that were available during the industrial revolution are likely going to go into extinction, craft skills learnt in the past are going into extinction. Jobs like factory workers, foreman, servers, plumbers, builders, and many more would possibly become a thing of the past. Key makers, drivers, and many more are going to be losing their jobs anytime soon.

It is no doubt that almost half of the current jobs will be gone in a few years from now. The driving industry will be gone soon as there a lot of automation coming into that industry and with the introduction of 5G, there is surely going to be a time when cars will be able to drive themselves fully and not need a driver behind its wheels. Farmers are also going to be having a hard time soon as automation has gone into the farming industry and farmers are not needed with software, AI, and robots doing the job. Newspapers came in and then they are gone, the same thing applies to magazines, the internet is now a home for news and information. Cashiers are also going home gradually.

Skills we will be Needing

Programming is no doubt one skill that will be needed in the nearest future. Almost everyone I know is going into programming and this seems to be a skill that will be productive. Job positions like Business development manager, strategy manager, Translator, speech language pathologist, blogging, other content creators, copywriter, software engineer, Data engineers, product manager and many more.


On a concluding note, it is no news that a lot of displacement will take place but it is advisable to learn skills that will be needed for the nearest future.


we will always need humans for programming and maintenance of machines, robots and computers,the emotional / rational factor is something that so far not has been replicated, and this sure we will need new skills as everything evolves .

That is very true, the skills you mentioned will be needed even after the changes occur, thanks for commenting.

Hello @mojubare thank you for sharing your opinion, I will consider the programming, has a lot of logic for the context we live.
You are right to point out that agricultural producers are a little confused with the arrival of technology in agriculture, many want to resist the changes but the use of software and sensors for data collection is unstoppable. I hope that Governments will also address those needs and generate policies for investment in technology and training in the agricultural sector. Good article friend !

Thanks a lot for commenting.

A wise human being will take every opportunity he or she has to learn new skills in order to requipped himself for the future because as we advance to the future some skills tend to fade away and so there is arising need for some new skills in demand

There is a rising need for new skills and we must equip ourselves to prepare for it.

Hello friend, you are very right it is necessary to learn new things, to educate ourselves about it since the technological and digital era have gained a lot of strength and in a few years it is likely to be most of the jobs available. Unfortunately not everybody is willing to do it but I think the young generation gets along very well with all those new skills.

It is just best to try and gain new knowledge as things change, thanks for commenting.

Time changes, same as trends, in the case of skills, it is the same. technology is taking over most things we used to do, hence instead of manual skills, technical skills will take over the trend.

Basically true, we cannot completely resist the change, thanks for commenting.

People are now trying more than before to get new skills but they have to know what type of skill is needed in this current generation, amazing post.

That is the truth, before any skill is learnt it is important we look in a direction where there is growth, thanks for commenting.

@mojubare skills are the most important thing a person is having if you have good skills you will be doing good in life we just need to learn one or the other things so that we can develop our skills.

Skills are life life long assets, thanks for commenting.

Greetings @mojubare, excellent your post, and it is well founded, times change, and with it also change the activities or skills of a certain time as you very well mention us, for nobody it is a secret that in this modern world will be necessary to learn more and more about the field related to technological advances, This was announced years ago and I think the time has come, where young and not so young people should focus on obtaining new skills related either to the operation of a computer or and would be much better related to programming, of course if we do not yet have them, the demands in these areas will be greater every day, and with the unexpected arrival of this pandemic has been proven. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Successes.

Thanks you so much for commenting.

Very true! Times are changing very fast and technology is improving even at a more rapid rate, the most important thing is to learn only skills that will last through a lasting future.

Thanks for commenting.

Definitely a topic that needs more consideration in the mainstream media. We're beyond automation and on the verge of robotics and 3D printing. people's ideas and not their efforts will begin to matter more and more.

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