Skills to Have as a Student Currently

in Project HOPE4 years ago

In the past, being in school was about reading and knowing what you went to school to study. In the past, when people wanted to be a medical doctor, they were going to study and focus on their course of study rather than become versatile in various fields and skills. A lot of students have been affected by the covid-19 and now, everyone needs to have a lot of skills. In this post, I will be writing about a few skills that a lot of students in school should have in this decade.


Computer/digital literacy

The ability to work on a computer and access several platform digitally has become a criteria in this world of ours, knowing a lot about the internet is a vital knowledge for everyone in this digital age but as a student, being versatile is computer knowledge is key.

Data Analysis

This is a skill that a lot of businesses are waiting patiently to harness from people who have them. Companies need to be sure of their figures and facts, and they want someone who can make this figures and facts correct so they can be able to win customers and close deals.

Communication Skills

Having good communication skills is another important skill that students started learning during the coronavirus lockdown, the ability to interact and make people see things from your view and points is an important skill. If you do not know how to communicate properly then reading this book can be of importance “how to win friends and influence people”. Communication is the key every effective decisions and choices. The ability to listen and understand people from their own point of view is the first way to communicate perfectly. Use the right body language, be respectful when talking.

Be able to Market Anything

Marketing everything and anything from pen to pencil, food, ideas, and so on is very important, the ability to market yourself is a very vital skill that should first be learnt before learning to market any other thing. Marketing is very vital in all aspect of live, little wonder businesses need marketing to make proper sales.

Entrepreneurial Spirit

Having the ability to make Lemonade out of lemon, finding solutions to problems and being able to think analytical. Showing the entrepreneurial skill doesn’t have to be with business, it just have to be with things around since entrepreneurs solve the problems around.

In conclusion, the world is changing and people want to be able to expand themselves but even in the midst of this, it is important to be able to adapt to changes.


These skills are impressive and should be developed as students for the future as well as to improve their relevance in the society.

Good examples of what it brings technology, and also these skills educate about com do things differently, thus helping to the ability to solve problems and therefore have smarter humans.

Any student that is still focused on only learning how to read and write is not ready for the future, this age breeds new talents and we must allign ourselves to the changes that occur.

Good article, one of the things I like the most is the "ability to market all things" that is a great skill.

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