Project Hope competition #2 for all content creators - Educate men who work for the good of humanity

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Education makes machines that act like men and produces men who act like machines." Erich Fromm.


Source: Image taken from the Blog of @ josevas219

Elida read over and over the Erick Fromm quote that she had assigned to her students to write a free-writing text. Free writing was, in her opinion, one of the best ways to unleash creativity and review syntactic and spelling criteria.

At first, the students rejected this type of assessment, but throughout the academic year they had become used to it and, some, showed high quality in their writing. This satisfied Elida.

She looked around the classroom, all the participants remained in their positions, with the distance required by health regulations in times of Covid and they wrote, apparently calm. They only went to classrooms for face-to-face evaluations.

Elida's mind switched to a normal school day (before the coronavirus), everyone with their cell phone in hand, on the table and with one eye on the class and one on the phone. The teacher smiled and thought about EF's phrase, the students reacted like automatons when they felt the vibration of the phone or the illumination of the screen. Like automatons, they took the equipment or glanced at it.

image.pngSource: Pixabay (

She also thought of her children and of herself, in the discussions on the subject: while we eat, the cell phone is not answered, but it was wasting time, the machine won, in that regard. Because on the other hand, her oldest son was a smart systems designer. She knew of some flashy jobs on his team, various self-determining machines.

Erich Fromm was definitely a visionary who had given a lot to education. Both extremes of his phrase are present in today's reality, but educating is not easy; so that the sophisticated and intelligent machines created by man, are at the service of men every day more human, who work for the good of humanity.


♥ This is my entry for Project Hope competition # 2 for all content creators. I wrote the original in Spanish and to present the text in English, I used the google translator and then made some adjustments.
Excuse me if there are errors in the text. Thank you.

♥If you want to participate, open the link of the Call to know the instructions:

♥Original post of @mllg





Image by @ josevas217, with authorized use


Un tema excelente, @mllg
Ideal para profesores, estaré pendiente de #projecthope.

Muy bueno tu desarrollo del tema

Hola @josegilberto
Todos son bien recibidos en Project Hope.
La temática que desarrollamos en la comunidad es variada, incluyendo tecnología, ciencia, blockchain, inteligencia artificial, criptomonedas, filosofía, negocios, marketing, mercado, psicología, entre algunos otros.

Gracias por la información @josevas217.
Una pregunta, ¿Esposible publicar en español o bilingue?
Feliz Navidad!

Hello @mllg
Very good post. Really everything has its different points of view from the same sentence, it's something I found interesting.
How can you criticize someone who lives by the phone if that's their way of life, that's their job?
The current reality has led to a greater use of technology, really, but it is not always a use aimed at improving the human condition, in a good way it has been to create distance between people ... but, time continues to pass, we will see what happens in a few decades.

Hello @mllg, What a good illustration you gave to the theme of the contest, it is an example that we are living in education "in times of Covid", in fact your closing sentence comes to life perfectly because now it is mandatory to go hand in hand with technology whether you like it or not It is the current tool although I insist that you have to know how to use it and dose it without falling into "addictions".

A hug...!

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