A possible crypto coin that would be a cat nip for crypto cats but shit coin for humans

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Cats working to earn crypto to compensate for the loss out on EVMOS airdrops!

I am back again, even though it’s no Caturday, a bit too soon you should say considering my Mom just did a Caturday post on us, as stablecoin cats!!

Now, now don’t get confused, I am BtcSolarCat and I am used by my Mom to narrate a lot of crypto posts, me and cat Mochu was alluded to as stablecoins last article because for my Mom however she feels (like shit coin), we are always the same, we never see her that way. So, in that way we are stable, when other people have their negative views, opinions, and pass negative judgements on her etc.

Anyway but today I have come to clarify a lot of things and also work to earn some crypto for Mom by presenting an article, because my Mom lost out on some airdrops on July 3rd, because she was busy preparing an emotional Caturday post. Anyway!!

A possible catnip crypto coin for us that is a guaranteed shit coin for you humans!!

My Mom regulates our presentations but, if we cats had full freedom to present whatever themes we like, then we will talk about launching a NFT that will act as cat nip for us. Can you guess that NFT?…

Brace up, my buddy Mochu loves stocking roaches, and I too like that as it entices my mood, so I would like a roach crypto and we are sensible cats so that roach NFT won’t be airdropped to any humans, I know my Mom hates roaches so we cats are considerate knowing humans won’t fancy roaches even if that is the best cat nip for us!!

Adorable fur ball for human eyes but a terror cat for all roaches - meet cat Mochu

Yes, Roaches are like catnip for us cats but Mom moderates our presentation, any content and picture of roaches are straightaway censored!! Anyway…

If there was a Roach NFT coin, as said its only for cats and it will have no value, we cats are not interested in the money making prospects of roach coin, I know it will not have any volume, any deep market cap… because which other cat other than me and Mochu is active in the crypto field, very few I reckon, so that will be a shit coin to humans, but a cat nip coin for cats.

Still I am not complaining, as we get to stock roaches, ha, ha… how my Mom screams… but she braces up to kill them, while pushing super eager expert roach catcher cat Mochu back with difficulty.

Mochu Cat, the expert roach hunter!!

Usually she tries her luck hitting them with slipper and then cleans the area with dsinfectant. However, the roaches are already terrified because of us cats, and they actually prefer not to hangout inside the house where we are there.

Once, when my Mom was leaving home opening the front door, along her side a big roach raced out of the house before o her. It knows, her house is a dangerous place for roaches to stay with an expert and eager roach catcher like Mochu.

Ohh… Did we disgust any humans? Can’t help it. Our cat point of view is that not all shit coins can be judged to have no utility, roach coin will be a shit coin, but we cats would love that nevertheless, it’s all about each one’s tastes and fancies, dog lovers love Doge coin for instance. Yawns, we don’t like Dogs, so will stay away from Doge coin.

So, that’s something Mochu always wanted to say, but Mom always censored it. So, we cats told her, you read about censorship resistance characteristic of Blockchain, and censor our stuff, how hypocritical?

She in return said, in crypto we also talk of regulation, so investors are protected from misleading, fraudulent Blockchain projects. Yet in the end she allowed us to talk about our desire , the roach coin today!!

That notebook is where I make notes, but for cat Garu its been a beloved scratch pad!!

That notebood deserves a close up view because its been Garu's belove scratch pad!!

Cat Garu tries his level best to drive those discort mosquitoes away!!

Anyway… speaking of pests, the reason I cat Garu always nest myself close to my mom's computer even though she does not encourage it (because she does not want cat hair around her computer) is to eliminate pests in discort.

There are mosquitoes buzzing there, with so many spam messages telling her she should join some crypto pump group or shes got some crypto coin in some exchange that she should claim clicking on the sent link etc. I try to shu those discord pests away, too many are there these days, with interesting names like crypto rocket group etc.

Several such spam messages in mintymile's discort on daily basis, nothing but mosquitoes I tell you!!

Sometimes, I try conversing to say hi to whoever she's chatting about crypto in discord, but it turns out I am not a literate cat, so random numbers, symbols and letters get typed and sent in the chat and she then clarifies its cat Garu trying to converse, but unfortunately he is not knowing how to read and write.

I believe also that all those mosquito accounts will run away if I take over the keyboard and chat because they will think I am a alien, or that a alien has hacked my mother’s computer, sounds bizarre na…but I think I am right, so those spam discort mosquitoes will leave.

Evmos token airdrops are reducing for those who have not claimed their tokens now

Evmos app

Anyway, July 3rd was the last date for my Mom to claim the Evmos Rekt token airdrops. Evmos is an ethereum compatible platform on Cosmos, to have Ethereum dapps launch on to Cosmos Blockchain. This is an important platform for the Cosmos Blockchain to capture and onboard Ethereum users, but my Mom is not very aware of it.

However, she found Evmos token price to be spiking of late and understood when she checked the website that she’s eligible for Evmos Rekt token airdrops and she should have claimed it before July 3rd, for after that day, the Evmos amounts she is eligible to claim keeps declining.

There is a decay feature activated, where a portion of unclaimed EVMOS tokens goes back to the EvMOS community treasury every second after July 3rd and by September all unclaimed EVMOS will be in the treasury.

Now, yes Caturday, we like entertaining people, cat lovers, but I feel my mother should have thought about EVMOS than Caturday this Saturday on July 2nd, so she could have got her hands on more EVMOS tokens.

Claiming as much possible Evmos Rekt token airdrops by completing needed tasks

We felt my Mom would be heartbroken losing out on free EVMOS rekt tokens, but she did not. She shrugged the matter off and claimed her first 25% of EVMOS tokens on Monday. She was eligible to get 414 EVMOS tokens before decay and now every second the amount of EVMOS tokens she can claim keeps reducing steadily.

Failed attempt at staking EVMOS yesterday

To claim the rest of the EVMOS tokens, she has to do tasks that will unlock 25% of the EVMOS tokens. So the next tasks she tried to do was stake her Evmos tokens and yesterday she researched the validator she wants to delegate her EVMOS tokens to.

My mom is looking for a known validator with good uptime history and she seems to be familiar with Cosmos validators, because she’s researched them when having delegated her Atom to Cosmos Blockchain validators.

Likewise, she has perused validators when delegating her Akash tokens to Akash validators but I am not very sure because this was a long time ago.

For some reason, staking was not going through.

There is a chance to get back all those unclaimed decayed EVMOS airdrops

So, she tried the next task which was to vote on a Governance proposal. The latest Governance proposal available for voting and its the 34th governance proposal, is to delay the decay process time for EVMOS rekt airdrops to August 1st.

Evmos Governance proposal to delay the decay date of unclaimed EVMOS tokens to August 1st

Obviously my Mom was all for delaying the decay time. If this proposal goes through, then all the unclaimed EVMOS that’s decayed from my Mother’s account will be returned to her someday, in some way which will be decided by the EVMOS community.

This is good news, because my Mom stands a chance to get back all her decayed unclaimed EVMOS airdrops that’s gone before she could claim it. She tried voting yes for the Governance proposal but it did not go through yesterday.

Other observations on EVMOS

For EVMOS, metamask wallet installation is required and all the claimed EVMOS tokens get transferred to metamask’s EVMOS network. All signing of transactions will be done using metamask with fees paid in EVMOS I think.

And yeah, it’s called EVMOS rekt airdrop because, all those people who got rekt because of transaction fees in Ethereum network, will not get rekt in EVMOS and so they will find solace.. Now, ofcourse, I saw one news that Ethereum network fees are very low, shrugs.

Fur ball pose of cat Garu

Here, its time to conclude our narration and we cats wish you all readers to have a good day.


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