♻️ Sustainable Food System thanks to Artificial Intelligence.

in Project HOPE4 years ago


Before the covid-19 pandemic, I looked at ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE with some suspicions.
I think if a technology is applied to replace human labor in terms of saving hours of work for the exclusive benefit of society, then it is not the right solution.
The advantage must be for everyone.


The situation we are experiencing today due to the PANDEMIC has made me understand how much technology can help us in our time of need.
ROBOTICS can become the means for new solutions to support medical and nursing staff, to deal with health emergencies, such as the first screening and diagnosis, by curbing the onset of the virus and its contagion.

In short, new technologies can be used to improve and protect our lives in any economic and social sector.

Given that, according to demographers ( U.N. data), the world population will increase in the coming years and consequently the quantity of food to be produced will have to increase, I asked myself if ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE could help in this case too.


Well yes, I found the answers I was looking for.

In the coming years we will have a GREAT CHALLENGE TO FACE: being able to increase food production taking into account climatic and environmental problems but also the future new viruses that will arise.

Will ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE and ROBOTICS be the driving force behind new productions that will allow us to produce all the food necessary for humanity while avoiding making our Planet an uninhabitable place?

Because the challenge is precisely to find an alternative to the current food production system which is no longer sustainable.


This is where HYDROPONIC and AEROPONIC systems come into play, managed by a network of computers and mechanical systems that harmonize each operation.
Traditional agricultural systems can be replaced by HYDROPONIC ones, i.e. cultivations above ground in artificial soil or AEROPONIC, i.e. crops that do not use land.
The so-called Vertical Farming develops vertically, requires fewer resources and less pesticides, guaranteeing an improvement in plant health, an increase in growth and a significant saving of space and water.

Of course traditional agriculture has already started using innovative software to prevent pest attacks by automating the entire production cycle: from the analysis of soil microelements, to the correct planning of irrigation and fertilization. (i.e. Daiki IT system of Smartisland).


But we need to go further thinking about occupying less land but more VERTICAL SPACE at least as regards agriculture.

A project already developed by many startups, such as HEXAGRO URBAN FARMING whose goal is to decentralize food production to allow access to healthy food for anyone through aeroponic agriculture.



I like the idea of this startup that wants to make aeroponic technology within everyone's reach while today it is used almost exclusively in industrial contexts.
In short, a network of urban farmers scattered around the cities, they currently have requests inside offices, hotels, banks and closed public places because they improve air quality by reducing pollution in the workplace, and they also decrease employee stress who can collectively enjoy freshly picked vegetables and fruit.
I love the idea to be accessible to private citizens who do not have outdoor spaces but would like to self-produce their vegetables.
It would be a great satisfaction and also an economic one.

I don't want to go too far but I absolutely have to talk about IRON OX, a Californian project of about 750 square meters of hydroponic greenhouse cultivation managed almost exclusively by ROBOTS controlled by a centralized ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.


The plants are constantly monitored through environmental sensors that allow to determine in real time the state of health and development of the plants.


I understand that the idea of gigantic greenhouses can be a little frightening and yet they could drastically reduce the environmental impact, because these vertical indoor farming can be placed anywhere, even in abandoned industrial areas.
These new systems would make large cities independent of existing production chains, reducing costs and CO2 emissions due to the zero kilometer origin of the products.
In addition, the technology of the systems used allow us to recreate ideal climatic conditions for the growth of plants as we have to get used to living with the climatic changes that each year create significant damage to crops.

If you think I am working too much with my imagination it is not so because ROBOTICS and ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE are already a concrete reality also used in traditional agricolture and can help us converting our obsolete production systems into eco-sustainable agricultural systems 4.0.

Thanks for stopping by here.


Below each image is the link of its source.



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 4 years ago 

@tipu curate

Artificial Intelligence is really taking over the world and it's application is now in almost every sector starting from health, Agriculture, education and many other sectors which makes life easier for man.

ROBOTICS can become the means for new solutions to support medical and nursing staff, to deal with health emergencies, such as the first screening and diagnosis, by curbing the onset of the virus and its contagion.

More robots were actually created during the pandemic period to help curb out the effect of coronavirus including the use of drones for drugs distribution. This has really helped every medical practitioners as they are all able to do their work very fast and conveniently.

I love the idea to be accessible to private citizens who do not have outdoor spaces but would like to self-produce their vegetables.
It would be a great satisfaction and also an economic one.

Wow! I'm actually just hearing about the concept of aeroponic Agriculture using AI system with the help of artificial soil. I'll love to read and learn more about this because it's really astonishing planting inside your room without going out or making use of the natural soil outside! Wow.. What a great development!
Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead

Thanks a lot @hardaeborla for your comment. I too would like to start making my own food mainly to make sure it is healthy without fear of eating pesticides. Living in the city is difficult to have large open spaces, so it's not bad to take advantage of the interior. 😊

Technology has its very positive areas it can assist humans but that is if the power is not abused, look at the planting you have described above with the presence of this technology we do not have to get bothered about a good soil or a bad one.

I too worry about the risk that technological breakthroughs can be abused. We hope in common sense. Thanks a lot for your comment.😊

Solid read @mikitaly
Resteemed already. Upvote on the way :)

This post has been manually curated by the Decentralised Sustainable EcoSystem movement by various stake holders and charitable donors to support Entrepreneurs favouring a stable STEEM ecosystem


I personally feel that this seems to be very interesting indeed especially when AI could battle something humans could not see.
However, being full AI on agriculture especially with plants though useful but it will make humans more and more detached from the planet they live in; thus could continue to forget its crucial role with human in a balanced ecosystem, that could still potentially lead to industrial complex continue its abuse on this green and blue we call home.





吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~


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