Ways Of Achieving Success In Your Career Or Business

in Project HOPE4 years ago

To be successful in your career or business is what we all long for, but achieving it is not that simple. They are so many factors that hinders us from achieving success. Knowing that there are factors that hinders us, is the first step in finding your path to success. The next step is knowing the ways of achieving that success, hence, the creation of this article. This is a psychological and motivational article, which I wrote to propel and motivate you start thinking differently. Look for somewhere quiet and get comfortable as you read through this amazing article I made just for you.


Photo by Razvan Chisu on Unsplash

For this article I had to go through some thorough research to provide you guys with my top 3 ways that will help you to start thinking in the right way in order for you to achieve that success you long for in your career or business. Without wasting any more time, let's jump into the amazing reasons I got for you guys.

Avoid Self-Victimization

Many of us fall under these category of people, who blame fate, people and everything around them but they never blame themselves for anything. Many of us will be like, "I didn't have Bill Gate as my father", "I was born in this terrible country", and so on. I know for a fact that our background goes a long way to shaping what we become in future, but the funny truth about it, is that, we can't change it. So should just sit back and self-victimized ourselves for not having the right childhood or advantage in life, or accept it and try to move pass it. Whenever you feel that you are not responsible for where you are presently, you are already been defeated and you won't be able to achieve much. Sometimes, you are not the cause of your present situation, but that isn't the end of the rope, you can try with all you got, to step out of such situation.

For example, a student is complaining that his lecturer is not coming to class to lecture them, hence, he might fail the course because of it. Now, the student didn't create his current situation, his lecturer did. So what should the student do, accept he might fail or try to look for past questions and ask his predecessors for guidelines. This is what separate a successful person from others. A successful person always try to look for solutions rather than focus on the current problems. If you want to achieve success in your career or business, you should never self-victimize yourself.


Photo by Bruce Mars on Unsplash

Know Your Worth

If you want to achieve success in your career or business, you should always know your worth. Knowing your worth provides you with confidence that money can't buy. The likes of Messi, Ronaldo and Neymar(Football players), earning over $70 million from their only wages yearly, know their worth. If they don't know their worth, they won't be earning that much. Why? If they offer them $20 million, they would walk out of such meeting because they know they not worth that less. Because they know how much they are worth they get offers that are worthy of their actual worth.

Same thing applies to your career. When you know your worth, you would know what positions you should be in the company you are working and if you not there, you demand it and if they can't give, you leave, and because of your level of confidence, you will definitely find a better job soon and that will be a valuable lesson that will push up your career ladder. Same thing applies to your business. If Mark Zuckerberg didn't know his worth, he wouldn't be where he is presently.

Also knowing your worth makes you work even harder because you have to always prove your worth. Knowing your worth is very very crucial in achieving success in your career or business.


Photo by Nojan Namdar on Unsplash

Constantly Check Your Habits

This may not seem like a factor that could contribute to achieving success in your career or business, but it does. Do you know that they are many people who were on their way to big success but couldn't make it or I could say, they couldn't sustain it. Whenever we humans, start to excel at a particular thing, be it your job or business, it gets to our head and we start getting over confident and start believing we can achieve the best result in our worst days. This attitude starts to change your normal routine. You are suppose to eat this or sleep before a particular time, you don't. With time, everything you have worked hard for will start crashing down. This particular scenario have happened to a lot people. They stopped keeping check of their habits and that affects them terribly. This happens to students a lot, their first year in college, they pass all their courses excellently. Second year, they start clubbing, spending last nights, change their normal routine and habits, and boom!!! They fail. They got carried away and forgot their good habits that gave them the excellence.

Constantly checking your habits is very crucial to achieving success in your career or business, as it helps keep you in check and also helps to evaluate your habits and see where you can make positive adjustment that could be beneficial to you.


Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash


Thanks For Reading

Till Next Time, Stay Safe

All Images Use In This Article Are From Unsplash, Hence, They Are Free For Reuse


In life at times we experience downfall which is a challenges to us but if you determine not to give up you will surely succeed in life.
And also be ready to learn from others and accept your mistake and correct them.
I love your outline.

I'm glad you love the article.

Learning from others and accepting we do make mistakes, will help us grow in our knowledge which is very invaluable.

Thanks for coming around and making a very meaningful contribution to the article, @benie111

Hello friend @menoski

Excellent article, really are 3 key points for our life and to maintain or achieve our success. I agree that there are many people who always think about the bad things and victimize themselves, when what they should do is act and change that reality, because I know that it can be done. If we work at it and are constant people we can achieve whatever we want.

Greetings and welcome to our community!

I'm super glad you found the article interesting and educative.

Thanks for coming around and making such an amazing comment, @franyeligonzalez

Greetings @menoski, good article that you share with us which is related to the ways to achieve success in your business, not an easy task but not impossible either, many people around us have achieved success in their businesses and this makes us think that if we can, in opportunities we fall into what you very well express as self-victimization which does not help us at all because first we have to analyze ourselves before blaming fate or anyone around us, as you say we must bear in mind that our success will depend on our own actions.

Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. Successes.

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