Signs To Know If You Will Be Rich And Wealth - Part 2

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Hello everyone, hope you all are doing good? I'm back with the Part 2 of this amazing topic, Signs To Know If You Will Be Rich And Wealth. If you haven't read the Part 1, I strongly suggest you that by clicking here. Signs that will help anyone become rich and wealthy, are habits and characters formed. That's good news, because it means it can be learned and practiced, hence, you can become rich and wealthy by knowing the signs to look out for. In this article I will give you guys one sign that will make you know if you will be rich and wealthy in the future. So sit back and look for somewhere quite quiet and comfortable as you read through this amazing article I created just for you(😉).


Photo by Heng Films on Unsplash

TEM Efficiency

TEM stands for Time, Energy and Money. You will know if you will be rich and wealth, if you are currently using your Time, Energy and Money efficiently. It sounds very easy to use our time, energy and money efficiently, but it isn't. Sometimes, you wonder why us humans are so stubborn or lazy, because if you effectively use your TEM efficiently now, there's about 200% chance that you will be rich and wealthy in the future. Ask yourself these questions, am I using my time, energy and money efficiently? Be honest with yourself. By using the TEM efficiently, it means, you are adequately using your 24 hours to the fullest. You have craved out time for meditation, exercise, tasks/work, fun and for your rest. As humans, it is very important we adequately do those 5 activities daily to be able to function at our very best. When last did you meditate or exercise? And to the serious work people, when last did you have fun? Doing one and leaving the others, will make your life feel meaningless and boring at some point. With all the riches and wealth, if you are missing out on one of those 5 activities constantly, you will be feeling empty.


Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

(Meditate) You need to be able to meditate, think about your past and learn from one or two of your good and bad experiences. Think about your present and how your future will look like. Doing this constantly is helpful. (Exercise) Exercise, is like a happy and healthy drug. People who exercise constantly, like the aerobics exercise and not weight lifting, are usually happy almost all of the time. Exercise makes you happy and improve your general well-being and self esteem. (Task/Work) You have to work to eat, so it is a necessity. (Fun) After all work, you need to have fun. You need to create something you forward to after work, to make your day exciting. Having plans for a good sex after work, is marvelous, isn't it? You will be working and imagining the sex you will have after work. It generally gives you something to hope for after work which will give you joy and happiness. It mustn't be sex, it could be games, hanging out with friends/family or something that is fun to you. (Rest) Lastly, sleep is very important. Someone who didn't have a good night rest, is quick to anger. The person's mood won't be at it's best. It is very important to sleep adequately, as to improve your mood and your general well-being. Now, do you think you have been effectively managing your time?

I don't want to make the article too lengthy, so I will have to stop here and talk about EM which is energy and money, in my next article which should be tomorrow.


Photo by Andrea Natali on Unsplash

I hope you all found the article interesting and exciting. Do well to share your thoughts about the article in the comment section below. Thanks.



Thanks For Reading

Till Next Time, Stay Safe

All Images Used In This Article Are From Pixabay, Hence, They Are Free For Reuse


well, I think i find this encouraging, basically. But getting rich might need more than just efficient time management. there's a bit of luck to it too.

There's a bit of luck in everything. But if you sit and wait for luck, you won't get it. When you try and put in effort and everything you got into something, you will prosper. Hardwork and consistency is the major luck.

Thanks for coming around and making such wonderful contribution @joelagbo

You are really right about TEM. Being able to manage and make the best out of this three is really key to being successful.

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