The emergence of artificial intelligence and its impactsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPElast year

21st century has been the era of technological innovation like no other, in the medieval era our ancestors had to put in lots of effort/brainstorm to get results on any research, what might likely take months to cover centuries ago, now needs couple of hours or minutes to round up thanks to advancement in technology with the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) which opens a new opportunity for more sophisticated technology where machine learning algorithms and computers perform task that requires human intelligence, AI use have been widespread across different organisations, institutions and industries in finance, healthcare, security and transportation making human based tasks less complex and easy to perform, there are no limits to what AI can perform as more efficient means of using AI are currently introduced on daily basis to make human activities hassle free, while this innovation are been applauded some fear the use of AI might disrupt job system forcing people to go deeply into AI skill quest.

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While we embrace what technology is turning our new world into we can still highlight some of the positive impacts of AI in our today's world.

Positive impact of AI in industries

Despite knowing well, AI's are slowly taking over our daily tasks both in offices and domestic services they come quite handy when it comes to performing rigorous task without getting exhausted and executing work with minimal errors here are some positive impacts/applications of AI.

  1. In healthcare; the application of AI in our healthcare system have help enhance medical treatments of patients with use of AI disease can be easily identified and treated as well as prescribing drugs to patients, the use of AI in healthcare sector reduce workload as well it can be use to record and store patients medical data.

  2. In finance; Market analyst use AI to analyse market trends, automate trading activities as well as get good investment opportunities that will make good returns.

  3. In transportation; AI can be used in autonomous vehicles which helps in road navigation and minimize road accident, self-driving vehicles using AI are now developed which can assist drivers with driving.

Negative impact of AI

  1. Ethical implications; A major concern we are witnessing in AI technology are; AI could be use to generate replica of human facial look which can be used to breach into one's privacy, as AI are becoming more advance users privacy could be at higher risk, misuse of AI for non ethical reasons are also becoming a thing of concern for the society at large.

  2. Work displacement; task meant for human are now been automated and performed using AI, this has quite been another concern for labour market seekers as AI based automated systems have replaced simple task that are human required.

In conclusion going forward as more technological developments in robotics (AI) increase with integration of other technologies such as internet of things (IoT) and 5G networks will unlock lots of possibilities and opportunity in AI development across various industries, this said we also stand at high risk of privacy breach of data as these technologies becomes more sophisticated, although if properly put into great use AI technology will be a game changer in out industries and boost productivity across every sector it is used.

Reading References

The impact of artificial intelligence on human society and bioethics.

How artificial intelligence is transforming the world - Brookings.

What is the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on society?.



In life, everything that has pros, has cons too - AI is no different. We just have to get used to it, and position ourselves to enjoy the benefits. Interesting read.

Sure friend we have to adjust to the new technology amd embrace it.

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