Blockchain block

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Cryptography is a wide scope that requires an in-depth review of study to understand I guess that would be a topic for another time, blockchain technology gave birth to lots of advanced innovative ideas that have identified certain limitations in today's centralized financial system the idea of the store of value and anonymity, protecting users privacy among others are a list of essential advantage of the new technology that was given birth to decades back, and today Its has thrived to be a top-notch, layer one scaling solution for financial institutions.



block concept in the blockchain network

Bitcoin transactions are processed in an orderly sequence linked by different blocks these blocks are dependent on each other a new block can not be formed unless the previous block is filled which are done through processing transaction from blockchain miners these block concepts are only carried out in proof of work consensus layer protocols like the bitcoin blockchain.

Bitcoin block confirmation time takes approximately 10 minutes these means a new block is formed within this time range, blocks are therefore referred to set of bitcoin transactions carried out in certain periods, and the chain of blocks created during various block transactions is referred to as the blockchain.

Bitcoin miners play the role of middlemen, here they secure the block network by finding new blocks and publishing them on the network, an interesting fact here is, a user need not rely on a single miner to validate their block transaction, blockchain miners are evenly distributed in different regions across the world making it impossible for a single mining firm to control validation of block transaction, a 51% attack is exposed on a blockchain network when all mining activity is controlled from a single mining firm making the network under severe attack as such a miner can validate counterfeit transfer to another user, thanks to decentralization, blockchain network has this problem under control as no single miner can control over 50% mining activity on the block these increases transparency among block users.

A block stores all transaction data, blockchain height gives information on how many blocks are on a blockchain, block size determines how much crypto data can be stored in a single block, bitcoin block can store a maximum of 1MB of data, "Block time* shows how often a new block can be created for bitcoin every 10 minutes a new block is created.



The block is like a pack of data and the hash is a system that links these data in such a way that they cannot be modified. Purely brilliant technology I must say.

The fact that blockchain data cannot be modified makes the technology more interesting and immune to self alteration which improves transparency among users it is totally built on accountability.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62892.68
ETH 2581.23
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.73