Will Tesla's insurance system end traditional insurers?/¿Acabará el sistema de seguros de Tesla con las aseguradoras tradicionales?

in Project HOPE2 years ago


Normally insurance companies, including car insurers, base their success on the balance between the fees charged to the insured and the number of claims produced, when it comes to calculating the fees, the experts take into account a series of circumstances, some so subjective that they can end up being unfair.

Normalmente las compañías de seguros, incluidas la aseguradoras de automóviles, basan su éxito en el equilibrio entre las cuotas cobradas a los asegurados y el número de siniestros producidos, cuando se trata de calcular las cuotas los expertos tienen en cuenta una serie de circunstancias, algunas tan subjetivas que pueden acabar siendo injustas.

Basing the possibility of an accident on things such as the age or sex of the driver or the color and power of the vehicle are statistical data subject to interpretation, the most objective data available is the driver's accident history but this is difficult to apply until the insured has not been driving for years.

Basar la posibilidad de un siniestro en cosas como la edad o el sexo de conductor o el color y la potencia del vehículo son datos estadísticos sujetos a interpretación, el dato más objetivo del que disponen es el historial de siniestros del conductor pero esto es difícil de aplicar hasta que el asegurado no lleva años conduciendo.


But in the case of Tesla vehicles, things can work very differently, all the brand's models come standard with all kinds of hardware and software that not only help their owners in their driving but also record all the data derived from the driving style of each user.

Pero en el caso de los vehículos Tesla la cosa puede funcionar de manera muy distinta, todos los modelos de la marca vienen de serie con todo tipo de hardware y software que, no solo ayudan a sus propietarios en su conducción sino que, además registran todos los datos derivados de la forma de conducción de cada usuario.

This real-time driving information allows the vehicle to assign each driver a safety score based on their driving habits, based on this score the Tesla insurer can calculate your insurance premium in real time based solely and exclusively on the way of drive of each individual.

Esta información de conducción en tiempo real permite al vehículo asignar a cada conductor una puntuación de seguridad según sus hábitos de conducción, basándose en este puntaje la aseguradora de Tesla puede calcular tu prima de seguro en tiempo real basándose única y exclusivamente en la forma de conducción de cada individuo.


The higher the percentage of driver safety, the cheaper the fee we will have to pay, according to the company, this scoring system will not only encourage safer driving, but an average driver could save between 20% and 40% on his insurance bill and the most prudent could reach up to 60% discount.

Cuanto más alto sea el porcentaje de seguridad del conductor más barata será la cuota que tendremos que pagar, según la compañía este sistema de puntuación no solo fomentará una conducción más segura sino que un conductor medio podría ahorrar entre un 20% y un 40% en su factura del seguro y los más prudentes podrían llegar hasta un 60%.

At the moment, Tesla will only apply this system to its vehicles, so it is not a threat to traditional insurers, but we must bear in mind that there are more and more intelligent vehicle manufacturers that could apply Tesla's idea.
In any case, I believe that the days of traditional insurers are numbered, since it is to be hoped that with so much automation and such intelligent vehicles, there will no longer be traffic accidents.

Por el momento Tesla solo aplicará este sistema a sus vehículos por lo que no es una amenaza para las aseguradoras tradicionales pero, hemos de tener en cuenta que cada vez hay más fabricantes de vehículos inteligentes que podrían aplicar la idea de Tesla.
De cualquier forma creo que las aseguradoras tradicionales tienen los días contados pues es de esperar que con tanta automatización y vehículos tan inteligentes deje de haber accidentes de tráfico.

More information/Más información


Saludos @mauromar ahora no pagaran justos por pecadores.

Hola @mauromar, no sé si alguien gane o pierda dinero con esto. Lo importante es que estaríamos un poco más seguros al andar en las calles.

Tesla is really promoting safe driving

Very interesting indeed, I didn't know that, my friend. This new system to deduct the insurance premium paid by the user seems excellent to me. I don't know if it will really displace the old systems, but it certainly encourages drivers to be more careful when driving their cars.

#affable #venezuela

This is a very good innovation am sure as you have started this new idea will increase drivers to be very cautious when driving and this system seems more transparent compared to the old traditional means of insuring users cars thanks for sharing.

Hello @mauromar, I also believe that insurers' days are numbered with this driver rating system, unless traditional insurers and other vehicle teams agree to install these driver evaluation/rating devices as it was done a time when GPS for vehicles began to appear, in this way the old statistical bases would become obsolete and each driver would assume a great responsibility for the possible rates to pay for insurance premiums. That would be great.

With regard to this, I do not think that insurers will disappear, rather new insurance will be created thinking of autonomous vehicles, if they are going to decrease but there will always be a percentage of active insurers, but many questions also arise from insurers, how is it in the event that if an accident occurs, who is responsible, the company that manufactured it for being self-employed or the owner of the vehicle; I think that all these questions will be answered as time goes by, when a large number of people use autonomous vehicles.

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