Quantum computers will soon fit in your phone/Las computadoras cuánticas pronto cabrán en tu teléfono

in Project HOPE3 years ago


75 years ago in February 1946 ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) came to light the first "classic" computer, a computer that occupied an entire room that was the most complex device ever built, with its own air conditioning system and the astonishing ability to execute more than 5,000 additions per second.

Hace 75 años en febrero de 1946 salía a la luz ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) el primer ordenador "clásico", una computadora que ocupaba una habitación entera que era el artilugio más complejo jamás construido, con un sistema propio de aire acondicionado y la asombrosa capacidad de ejecutar más de 5.000 sumas por segundo.

A couple of decades later, the president of IBM declared that in the future in the world there would be half a dozen computers in the hands of the governments of the great powers, as you have all been able to verify, he was wrong because in that future any homeless person has in their hands more computing power that NASA had in the APOLO project.

Un par de décadas después el presidente de IBM declaraba que en el futuro en el mundo habría media docena de ordenadores en manos de los gobiernos de las grandes potencias, como todos habéis podido comprobar se equivocó pues en ese futuro cualquier indigente tiene en sus manos mas potencia de cálculo de la que tenía la NASA en el proyecto APOLO.


Today history repeats itself with quantum computers, huge devices with super-complex technologies that have to work at temperatures close to absolute 0 (-273 ºC), they also occupy an entire room and experts also believe that, given this complexity, only there will be a few dozen quantum computers in the cloud for everyone to share.

Hoy día la historia se repite con los ordenadores cuánticos, aparatos enormes con tecnologías supercomplejas que han de funcionar a temperaturas cercanas al 0 absoluto (-273 ºC), también ocupan una habitación entera y también los expertos opinan que, dada esta complejidad, tan solo habrá unas decenas de ordenadores cuánticos en la nube para repartir entre todos.

And since the previous time it seems that they have made a mistake again, the startup Quantum Brilliance has raised a first round of US $ 10,000,000 for the development of a quantum computer capable of operating at room temperature and that can be placed in a rack with the rest of classic servers sharing the same infrastructures.

Y como la vez anterior parece que se han vuelto a equivocar, la startup Quantum Brilliance ha recaudado un una primera ronda US$10.000.000 para el desarrollo de un ordenador cuántico capaz de funcionar a temperatura ambiente y que puede colocarse en un rack junto al resto de servidores clásicos compartiendo las mismas infraestructuras.


The invention is based on synthetic diamonds that do not need the extreme isolation conditions that superconductors need and have an effectiveness that is in the middle of the two commonly used technologies, superconductors and ion traps, but with the incredible advantage of working at room temperature.

El invento está basado en diamantes sintéticos que no necesitan las condiciones extremas aislamiento que necesitan los superconductores y tienen una efectividad que se sitúa en el medio de las dos tecnologías usadas habitualmente, los superconductores y los de trampas de iones pero con la increíble ventaja de funcionar a temperatura ambiente.

Like all the things that I usually tell you, this technology is still in its infancy and they have only been able to make 2-qbit computers, but things seem promising.
If they are able to achieve it, this could be a spectacular advance in all areas. I do not even want to imagine a decentralized artificial intelligence on a quantum computing environment.

Como todas las cosas que habitualmente os cuento esta tecnología todavía está en pañales y solo han sido capaces de hacer ordenadores de 2 qbits pero la cosa parece prometedora.
Si son capaces de conseguirlo esto podría suponer un avance espectacular en todas la áreas no me quiero ni imaginar una inteligencia artificial descenrtralizada sobre un entorno de computación cuántica.

More information/Más información




Hola @mauromar, actualmente hay personas que juegan en línea entre 10 a 15 horas al día, con las computadoras cuánticas no querrán salir de los juegos sino a dormir.

Supongo que se podrá jugar durmiendo. :-D

Thanks for sharing this important information.

They are doing the incredible job day by day, Thanks for sharing.

I knew something new from your blog. Thank you.

This concept was totally new to me, Thanks for your perfect explanation.

I like to read your blogs because your blogs are very knowledgeable.

I start from this moment to wait for what brings all this progress, which does not stop.
thanks for sharing

Hello @mauromar
With all the technology something similar has happened, it's amazing. There are people who don't bet on a new invention, and others who bet everything. But in time is that it is proven who are right.
I've been hearing about quantum computers for years, they even talk about the fact that by creating them they would practically make more cryptocurrencies disappear because of their great computing power. So, a lot can be said about it.

Don't worry about, they have also created quantum cryptography to avoid it.

Yach.. Today, technological innovation is growing very fast. I want to be a quantum computer user when it has integrated into smartphones. It will be very interesting. I don't know when?..
Thanks for sharing bro..

Quantum computer will fill in phone?? Thats so crazy bro.

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