Mobile, self-healing living robots from frog stem cells/Robots vivientes móviles y autoregenerativos a partir de células madre de rana.

in Project HOPE3 years ago


More than a year ago we commented on this blog about the creation, by a group of scientists from Tuft University, of the first living robots designed from stem cells from an African frog called Xenopus laevis. by what they have been given the name Xenobots.

Hace ya mas de un año comentábamos en este blog la creación, por parte de un grupo de científicos de la Universidad Tuft, de los primeros robots vivientes diseñados a partir de células madre de una rana africana llamada Xenopus laevis, por lo que a estos robots se les ha dado el nombre de Xenobots .

These xenobots previously designed by a computer were created based on microsurgery with these stem cells and in principle they were capable of moving autonomously collecting energy from the environment and pushing some charges, distributing drugs or collecting some particles.

Estos xenobots diseñados previamente por una computadora se creaban a base de microcirugía con estas células madre y en principio eran capaces de moverse de forma autónoma recolectando energía del entorno y empujar algunas cargas, distribuir medicamentos o recolectar algunas partículas.


A year later, the same Tuft University announced version 2.0 of these xenobots, faster, with greater mobility in different environments, they have the ability to act as a swarm and heal themselves when damaged in addition to having a kind of memory consisting of fluorescent cells that change color in the presence of certain substances.

Un año después la misma Universidad de Tuft anuncia la versión 2.0 de estos xenobots, más rápidos, con mayor movilidad en distintos entornos, tienen la capacidad de actuar como un enjambre y curarse ellos mismos cuando se dañan además de tener una especie de memoria consistente en células fluorescentes que cambian de color ante ciertas sustancias.

The first xenobots were built from top to bottom, that is, taking a group of cells from the amphibian in question that were surgically manipulated to give them the required shape and functions, but this new design has been done from the bottom up, making the cells assemble autonomously to form the xenobot without the need for surgery.

Los primeros xenobots se construyeron de arriba a abajo, es decir, tomando un grupo de células del anfibio en cuestión a las que se manipularon quirúrgicamente para darles la forma y funciones requeridas pero este nuevo diseño se ha hecho de abajo a arriba, haciendo que las células se ensamblen de forma autónoma hasta formas el xenobot sin necesidad de cirugía.


The different cells into which the stem cells of these xenobots can become can act as biosensors or as motors using cardiac cells that have an intrinsic movement or as traffic lights that change color in a given situation, they are also totally biodegradable and do not leave any artificial waste when they are destroyed.

Las distintas células en que se pueden convertir las células madre de estos xenobots pueden actuar como biosensores o como motores utilizando células cardiacas que poseen un movimiento intrínseco o como semáforos que cambian de color ante una situación determinada, además son totalmente biodegradables y no dejan ningún resto artificial cuando se destruyen.

In short, we are facing a new generation of robots capable of building and destroying as needed not only their software but also their hardware, in the same way that these cells are naturally capable of creating a tadpole lets imagine what they can build if directed wisely.

En definitiva, que estamos ante una nueva generación de robots capaces de ir construyendo y destruyendo a medida de las necesidades no solo su software sino también su hardware, de la misma forma que estas células de forma natural son capaces de crear un renacuajo imaginad que es lo que pueden llegar a construir si se les dirige sabiamente.

More information/Más información


Hola @mauromar, robots que están vivos… Genial.
Entonces son Ciborg…

This allows them to move much faster, and our follow studies will design the shape of the living robot to better control its behavior. Living robots are fully biodegradable, leaving no artificial components behind when they break down, and we think this feature will be important for a variety of environmental and biomedical applications in the future

Hello @mauromar
I agree with you, wisely directed can achieve excellent results perhaps unimaginable today. Excellent reading, thank you for sharing.
Have a great day!

This is very extraordinary.
They can create things like this.
Once created, can it last long?

I don't think so, some days maybe but you can inoculate millions of the as you desire.

The biological materials we are using have many features we would like to someday implement in the bots — cells can act like sensors, motors for movement, communication and computation networks, and recording devices to store information

These original designs walked along using carefully placed muscle tissue. In our current work we examined if beating tufts of hair-like structures, called cilia, could enable our designs to swim in water.

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