Japan wants to make half its cargo ships autonomous by 2040/Japón quiere que la mitad de sus buques de carga sean autónomos para 2040

in Project HOPE3 years ago


According to reports from the International Maritime Organization, an agency dependent on the UN, 90% of international freight transport is carried out by sea, mainly due to its cargo capacity, ships continue to be the most profitable way to move goods around the world, even if it is slower than other media.

Según informes de la Organización Marítima Internacional organismo dependiente de la ONU el 90% del transporte internacional de mercancías se realiza por mar, debido sobre todo a su capacidad de carga los barcos siguen siendo la forma más rentable de mover mercancías por todo el mundo aunque sea más lento que otros medios.

On the other hand, it is also true that the fuel used by ships is the one that pollutes the most due to its high sulfur content, but it is not only the deterioration of the environment that encourages the Japanese to convert their naval fleet into autonomous, but also a problem of aging population in their country.

Por otra parte también es cierto que el combustible que utilizan los barcos es el que más contamina por su alto contenido en azufre, pero no es solo el deterioro del medio ambiente lo que anima a los japoneses a convertir su flota naval en autónoma, sino un problema de envejecimiento de la población de su país.



According to the Nippon Foundation, more than half of the crew members on its ships are over 50 years old and this is not just a problem in Japan, in most developed countries birth rates are getting lower and life expectancy is getting longer so that, in the medium-long term, this problem will spread to all countries.

Según la Nippon Foundation más de la mitad de los tripulantes de sus barcos tienen más de 50 años y esto no es solo un problema de Japón, en la mayoría de los países desarrollados las tasas de natalidad son cada vez menores y la esperanza de vida más alta por lo que, a medio-largo plazo, este problema se extenderá a todos los países.

That is why this Nippon Foundation group has proposed to automate maritime transport by promoting the construction of autonomous ships and with the aim of having half of its fleet sailing autonomously by the year 2040, for which two short trip tests have recently been completed between Japanese ports.

Por eso este grupo Nippon Foundation se ha propuesto automatizar el transporte marítimo fomentando la construcción de barcos autónomos y con el objetivo de tener la mitad de su flota navegando de forma autónoma para el año 2040, para ello se han completado recientemente dos pruebas en viajes cortos entre puertos japoneses.


In the case of ships, moving autonomously in the middle of the sea is much easier than driving a car autonomously because much more space is available, the most difficult would be the entrances to ports and berths, but this has already be done in one of the aforementioned tests using drones to attend to the docking maneuver.

En el caso de los barcos, moverse de forma autónoma en medio del mar es mucho más fácil que conducir un auto de forma autónoma pues se dispone de mucho más espacio, lo más difícil serían las entradas a los puertos y los atraques, pero esto ya lo han hecho en una de las pruebas mencionadas utilizando drones para atender la maniobra de atraque.

Certainly the problem of aging in developed countries is something that will bring us problems sooner rather than later, contrary to what Bill Gates and his acolytes think, it will not be a problem of overpopulation that we will have at the end of the 21st century but rather a shortage of productive workforce which will force us to automate more and more tasks.

Ciertamente el problema de envejecimiento de los países desarrollados es algo que nos acarreará problemas más pronto que tarde, al contrario de lo que piensan Bill Gates y sus acólitos, no será un problema de superpoblación el que tendremos a finales del siglo XXI sino una escasez de mano de obra productiva lo que nos obligará a automatizar cada vez más tareas.

More information/Más información



Hola @mauromar, eso suena bien ya que dejaran de producir tanta contaminación.

After automatic cars. There are autonomous ship great invention

It is more feasible that this autonomy looks first in large volume in maritime ships, since in the proactive there is an opportunity to correct any error in time than by cars.

It will dawn and we will see. There is always a readjustment to do over and over again, and an alternative change to "improve", as time goes by...

Hello @mauromar, this is really amazing, and although autonomy is supposed to represent an advantage, at some point the maneuverability of these large vessels will be a problem not only when they have to enter a port, but also in cases of meeting other vessels along the way. However, I think it is a good proposal that will be perfected in a short time.

Regarding the longevity of the population and the lack of productive labor is a serious reality that is being experienced worldwide, this is very worrying.

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