Are hydroponic foods as healthy as natural ones?/¿Son tan saludables los alimentos hidropónicos como los naturales?

in Project HOPE3 years ago


We all know that arable land is an increasingly scarce commodity, overexploitation on the one hand and on the other the inexorable advance in global warming make the number of arable hectares decrease from year to year, even according to the most catastrophic not even It will give us time to finish the century before ending it.

Todos sabemos que la tierra cultivable es un bien cada vez más escaso, la sobre explotación por un lado y por otro el avance inexorable en el calentamiento global hacen que el número de hectáreas cultivables disminuya de año en año, incluso según los más catastrofistas ni siquiera nos dará tiempo a terminar el siglo antes de acabar con ella.

One of the most advanced and viable solutions is hydroponic cultivation, this method consists of using water to dilute the nutrients that the plant needs and that would otherwise take them from the land in which it is planted, the plant can simply grow in a aqueous solution or being planted in an inert medium such as washed sand.

Uno de las soluciones más avanzadas y viables es el cultivo hidropónico, este método consiste en utilizar agua para diluir los nutrientes que necesita la planta y que de otra manera los cogería de la tierra en la que está plantada, la planta puede crecer simplemente en una solución acuosa o estar plantado en un medio inerte como arena lavada.


This system provides many advantages and not only because it can be harvested several times a year, it can be grown anywhere close enough to consumers to save money and transport pollution and also does not use pesticides as it does not have any pests, nor fertilizer chemicals.

Este sistema aporta muchas ventajas y no solo porque se le pueden sacar varias cosechas al año, puede cultivarse en cualquier parte lo suficientemente cerca de los consumidores para ahorrar el dinero y la contaminación del transporte y además, no utiliza pesticidas pues no tiene ninguna plaga ni sustancias químicas fertilizantes.

Well, despite all these advantages, there are many people who are against this cultivation system, including of course traditional farmers, arguing that indoor crops will never have the quality provided by the sum of the Sun plus a healthy soil, which is what it can never be achieved with hydroponic cultivation.

Pues a pesar de todas estas ventajas existe mucha gente que está en contra de este sistema de cultivo, entre ellos por supuesto los agricultores tradicionales, argumentando los cultivos bajo techo nunca tendrán la calidad proporcionada por las suma del Sol mas una tierra saludable cosa que nunca se podrá conseguir con el cultivo hidropónico.


Although to be honest we still do not know the consequences that the intake of these foods grown without soil can bring in the long term, basically because not enough time has passed and in that sense it is true that we are a bit of guinea pigs to test these experiments.

Aunque para ser honestos todavía no se saben las consecuencias que la ingesta de estos alimentos cultivados sin tierra puede traer a largo plazo, básicamente porque aún no ha pasado el tiempo suficiente y en ese sentido si que es verdad que somos un poco los conejillos de indias con los que prueban estos experimentos.

But it is also true that the increase in the standard of living in developing countries forces us to force even more the already scarce farmland and somehow we will have to feed about 10 billion souls, and it is also possible that it will lose some organoleptic properties or perhaps some flavor but it is sure not harmful for us.

Pero también es cierto que el aumento del nivel de vida de los países en desarrollo nos obliga a forzar aún más la ya escasa tierra de labor y de alguna manera tendremos que dar de comer a cerca de 10.000 millones de almas, además es posible que pierda algunas propiedades organolépticas o quizás algo de sabor pero seguro que no es perjudicial para nosotros.

More information/Más información


Hola @mauromar, Si le hace bien al planeta y a nosotros es genial.

Hola @mauromar, parece prometedor este procedimiento tanto por lo económico y la contaminación, en cuanto a los beneficios para la salud no creo que nos hagan más daño que la mayoría de las cosas que comemos al día.

Good topic, and unfortunately we have not seen anything compared to what is coming due to pollution, global warming etc. There is nothing like growing in its natural environment. Let us commend ourselves to God.

Excelente información amigo, es un tema muy interesante. Saludos y bendiciones!

This post brought back so many good memories. My final year research work as an undergraduate was hydroponic related. My team and I grew lettuce in a nutrient solution and monitored it growth and nutrient uptake for some days. When done right, hydroponic can effectively address some food shortage crisis globally and could likely be the main go-to for inhabitants of different planets, like Mars, in the future.

However it is a good option for cities in need of food and have been adapted to the possibilities of each one, I consider within my ignorance about them that they are equal, we have those at home and they have been great for us.
thank you

Thanks for your comment.

This is a very good method, and can also save land.
This is very beneficial also for people who do not have gardens.
Thank you for sharing.

Hi @mauromar, this is a very viable way to produce food. Here in Colombia it is quite common, even though there is land to plant. However, this method is widely used. I think to economize. The products are not different from those harvested in the ground, at least not superficially, and the taste is the same.Maybe at a chemical level they are different, but that's as far as my analysis goes.

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Hello @mauromar, I also think that these foods are healthy, although I have not tried any yet, but according to the sowing methodology there are no disadvantages. And somehow, the lack of land to sow in some localities could drive the adoption of this cultivation technique.

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