the meaning of loneliness in life
hello, friends, everyone is back with me, and on this occasion I want to write about psychology. Not everything you think when you are lonely is true. We must be aware of loneliness because it can make us see what is abnormal as something very normal. Loneliness is dangerous, especially if you are addicted. Loneliness triggers everything that makes you run away, and reminds you of everything you don't want to remember. He is the perfect weapon that has killed so many dreams and misled so many people into the wrong part of life. That's how terrible loneliness is.
There are always two sides to everything, namely advantages and disadvantages. No matter how bad something is, there is always a good side. We have some people who have mastered the good side of loneliness, which means they are very productive when they are lonely. Whenever they are struggling with a difficulty, they will always choose to be alone because that is the only time they can find a solution, but this is not the case for everyone because loneliness maximizes their problems instead of providing solutions.
Loneliness destroys everything in its path
Loneliness is like fire, which means it is very beautiful, but if handled incorrectly it will be very dangerous and can destroy everything in its path. Loneliness can be very addictive because it is easy to close ourselves off from the world and become alone. this comes with great peace and less disturbance to the world and our solitude. this comes with great peace and less distractions in many ways, but when we can't cope and we become depressed in the process, this is the time when loneliness becomes very dangerous instead of sharing our thoughts with people who can help us, we keep them inside and we could become suicidal.
It's not about the crowd
The misconception people have about loneliness is that you have to have lots of people around you if you don't want to be lonely. This is not true, so many people who live private lives can count their friends, and they are not very close to most of their family members, and they never feel lonely. It doesn't matter how many people are around you, because you can have a lot of people around you and still feel lonely, just because they all don't understand you, and they are people with whom you can't share your inner thoughts. with that, you only try to be formal with them, even though you are still far from them. So it's not about the crowd, it's about finding quality people who make you feel alive
Loneliness is never good, it can change our behavior, even kill the human within us and gradually we become something else. That's why when you look at other people, they find loneliness difficult. it's not always about the crowd when you are with the one you love, loneliness disappears and whatever happens to us, loneliness is now not an option. Sometimes we can feel lonely just to think about some things, but after we work it out together we have to move away, loneliness is dangerous, no matter how sweet it is, it is one of the things we have to be careful of. Thank you, I hope you understand.