The discipline



When we talk about discipline, many concepts come to mind, and what it is for, but the first thing that comes to mind is that time when we were children and once a week we had the power in our hands, "to be of the discipline delegation" where we could be the maximum authority in the hallways and be accountable to the teachers for our work at recess.

But the years have passed and that discipline turned into chores, studies, work, family and routines, and the many things we do the rest of our lives.

When we start our business or entrepreneurship we often leave this word that has been with us since we were children and we do not give it the importance it should have in our projects.

Discipline in this case is a fundamental part from the moment we start writing what we want to do, designing, ordering, programming, developing and evaluating what we do is part of that discipline that we must make part of our own.

Each step that we must fulfill must have its time, hour, place and way of execution and as such it must be respected, our time to perform it is important.

You alone are responsible for your goals and projects, you have tools and if not, there are countless courses, workshops, websites that can guide you a little, (we'll talk about that another day), but above all do not leave that beautiful word that made you feel so important in your childhood and that gave you the power to be the one who could do everything that week.

Discipline is one of your greatest allies " Use it".

See you next time


Hi @mariu.espinosa
There is saying that if we can't have discipline in our life then we can't succeed and as an exception if you succeed then you will not be able to survive for long because discipline is something that's necessary in our life each and every day.
Discipline is not a rule instead it's one of the skill that we all must make our habit on day to day life and once we adopt it then we can see the significant difference on the deliverables and meeting various deadline that we need to fulfill on time.
Nice post.

Hello @mariu.espinosa
Discipline is something that simply will make us achieve what we want, seeing it this way I can't explain why it is not a constant in everyone. Well applied, to what we want to achieve will take us to places we can't even imagine. I believe that it is in good part co-responsibility with ourselves and with our goals.

Hello friend, discipline is a skill that we all must implement in our lives, if we want to achieve something, change habits, meet objectives and goals we must be disciplined and constant people. Nothing is achieved overnight. Greetings.

Hello @mariu.espinoza

Discipline great topic, I like to read about this kind of content, it is very true what you express when you point this "you alone are responsible for your goals and projects, you have tools and if not, there are plenty of courses, workshops, websites that can guide you a little", when we understand that we are responsible for our actions, being disciplined is not an option, as it represents our only tool to achieve success.

Best regards, be well.

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