Sphincter control in children with autism



Today we will talk about sphincter control in children with autism, it is important to first recognize that we are not facing children who can make proper use of the desire to say go to the bathroom, or not like us who feel the need to pee or poop we go to the bathroom We lower our clothes and do it, they do not, that we have to take into account mainly there are several things that we can have important above all and I name them below.

* Don't leave the child sitting on the pot and tell him/her that you won't get up until he/she remembers, you will create a habit of just sitting and waiting for nothing..

* Second: if he commits an accident, do not scold him, do not yell at him, clean everything with patience and remember you are in an evolutionary and learning process, everything you teach him will remain in him, if you scold him or hit him, he will associate the scolding as mistreatment against the time to pee or poop..

There are several things to look for that may indicate he is ready to be weaned. One: he will take off his diaper when it is wet because he will pull it off when it bothers him. Two: if it is verbal, he will tell you to pee or poop. As he wets the diaper less and less, it means he is beginning to have sphincter control.

Now, try several things every time you remove the diaper or clean him, try to do it in the bathroom, so that he realizes that the bathroom is where he must do his need, also sit him in the pot with the diaper on so he can get used to it, remember that everything is progressive, everything is a configuration within his brain, within what is the organization of his daily life until the moment you simply remove the diaper and sit him in the bathroom.

Make a comfortable environment, put comfortable clothes, you can even try a song. Not all children learn in the same way, not all children have the ability to just sit and do, as I explained at the beginning, they all have a different programming..

And perhaps the most important thing in this whole process, congratulate him, elevate his achievements, it is a give and take even if it is just a little what he is advancing, even if it is only that when you remove the diaper, he is dry, well yes, celebrate everything he does absolutely, every advance no matter how little is good to highlight it and congratulate him, even reward him..

And as I always tell you: ask, study, research, there is no one better than you to help him remove the diaper.


It is a job of a lot of patience and love because autistic children often do not have the same capacity as neurotypical children for certain things. However, following the recommendations you give and also those of the doctor, it is possible to make incredible progress. Love can do it all.

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