September 21 World Alzheimer's Day



Perhaps many of us have heard this term or neurological diagnosis, sometimes we have used the term derogatorily to make fun of someone who forgets things or is simply scattered or in the worst case, these people have so many things to think about and be aware of that they collapse and evidently there are things they forget.

Well, Alzheimer's is more than just forgetting things and today I want to touch on that topic, from the point of view of signs and symptoms. (we will see other things another time).

We can define this disease as a neurological disorder that causes neurons to progressively die, which is the expression that the brain shrinks, is a complete deterioration of the person in all aspects, physical, mental (dementia), skills to the point of death.


*.- Deterioration of the ability to walk, this is due to the fact that your brain is dying and little by little all the functions that were "normal" before become activities of great effort.

*.- Difficulty learning new things

*.- Begin to be slow with their understanding and comprehension of things.

*.- Loss of energy that only he can notice.

*.- Losing the "train" of thought in a sentence when conversing.

*.- In some cases, they may even invent words when they cannot find the right one for what they want to express.

*.- Not recognizing the faces of their relatives.

*.- Personality changes; these vary from day to day depending on the person's condition, we must keep this in mind if we live with a person with this disease.

*.- Speech is compromised, and he begins to have difficulty first with getting words and memories, then in being able to modulate words.

*.- Evidently the best known and most alarming sign is memory loss, especially short memory, she may eat and then ask for food or ask what time to eat, remember her family 20 years ago and not recognize anyone from her younger generation.

*.- The orientation of time and space is lost to the point of not knowing the year, the day where he is, and going out to the bakery that is a block away from his house and getting lost on the way back.

*.- His ability to solve simple mathematical problems is progressively lost, and he is unable to follow simple sequences of 12345 etc.

*.- In their final stages, they lose the ability to chew and swallow (remember there is a degradation of the brain), become less and less receptive, fall into bed and are vulnerable to infectious diseases, reach the point of not recognizing anyone.

In this space I have always emphasized many times that we are all different and that the symptomatology that may present varies in each person, so what I can place here is a generalized guide in each of the topics I deal with.

When we suspect that within our family there may be a case of this, it is important to be calm and take to a neurological consultation to be evaluated and begin to take the necessary measures, this is a disease that degenerates and begins perhaps up to 20 years before seeing severe symptoms.

So it is always good to know about these diseases that many times we do not give importance to those little signs that appear to us and we give explanations that have little to do with them.

See you next time.


A common theme but one that no one wants to touch and see that it is a latent reality day by day.
Thank you for the information in such a wonderful work and in a simple way to understand what the Alzahimer can achieve in a fatal way.
excellent post

Greetings @mariu.espinoza, the topic you share with us is of the very common health part, but little addressed by all, since this disease is present in our environment and sometimes we do not know how to deal with it or treat people who suffer from it. Thank you for sharing this information with us.

Hi @mariu.espinoza

Thank you for reminding us of this date, I will take it as an exercise to lengthen the probability of Alzheimer's, it is certainly always good to know about these diseases that many times we do not give importance to those little signs that appear to us and we give explanations that have little to do with them. Thank you for sharing this kind of information.

Best regards, be well.

It really cost me something to understand but I think your idea is to be able to overcome ourselves despite what other people do and affect us, each experience we live is unique and this should bring us a minimum of teaching so that the pain or whatever happens to us has been worth it.
thank you for sharing it.

Well done @ mariu.espinoza, i find the write up interesting and mind innovating.. Your post is one of the writeup which opened my eyes to neuroscience and relative phychology fact. One of the proteins involved in alzmiers is called amyloid, deposits of which form plaques around brain cells. The other protein is called tau, deposits of which form tangles within brain cells, in which all leads to loss of memory.

There are infinite causes and even possible causes of this, but it is important to always be documented,
thank you

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