Motivation vs. demotivators



Have you ever told someone about a topic or project you started or just a book you started reading? And that person just questioned what you do or criticized that step that is important to you?

Well, there are many of these stories and I know my dear reader that at some point you have come across one of these "demotivating skeptics" that, like the "NOTHING" in Michael Ende's "Neverending Story", takes everything and eats it until it disappears, without caring about everything that changes in its path, without taking into account how many realized and unrealized dreams it eats during its passage.

This is what usually happens when we undertake something in a joyful way or with expectations that are important to us. But what do we do? get demotivated? give up? Or as we would say in my country, throw in the towel?

It is not a good option, your option should and must be to listen, take what you think may be valid and discard the rest, ie go through the filter, sometimes we do not see things in clear ways and these "demotivators" come to want to throw everything down and that's when common sense, analysis and above all the ability you have to believe or not in you.

It is important that you know who you are and what you are looking for, what your goals are and where you want to go with what you are doing..

It is true that we do not know everything, it is true that we can make mistakes, that it is often good to see things from different perspectives than our own, but what we cannot allow is that the filter we start to create has holes where opinions that are not in line with our goals can slip through.

Modifications? Of course they can be made, evaluated and then yes, accept what needs to be changed, but NEVER allow someone to try to bring down with comments what you do or undertake.

The path is our own, the ways too, and looking to the sides to observe is okay, but don't let the stones and potholes of commentaries divert you from the path.

See you next time


There are people who will often act in the position to demotivate us but there comes a reason for us to be more strong and believe more in ourselves to achieve whatever we want to achieve.

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