Adolescent TEA Run and Stop



In most cases or in high percentages, children diagnosed at an early age with ASD are approached early, and therapies, studies, research, treatments are focused on them at that age where the reason for many of their behaviors are discovered.

But what happens when these children break the barrier of childhood and become adolescents, a large percentage leave the therapies, leave the groups, leave a lot of things that were important tools for the advancement of the child for their growth and development of their independence and models for their adult life.

If it is true that in the adolescence stage we experience a "MUTATION" I think would be the right word, of behaviors, thoughts, attitudes, physical and hormonal changes, when these changes come from a person with ASD we automatically magnify what they do and forget that the changes are gradual in each one.

I knew Juan who was Gabriel's twin, but Juan had High Functioning ASD, when he reached adolescence, Juan became disobedient, he stopped bathing, but Gabriel went for rebellion with a hint of isolation and little tolerance, but don't you know? Well, the eyes were on the fact that Juan stopped bathing...

We had two twin brothers, but the one with ASD had his change of behavior magnified, but the other was ignored and his change of mood and behavior was justified as adolescence. It should be noted that both manifested normal changes within adolescence, but for Juan (ASD) this change was given more relevance, seeing it as part of his autism.

Parents of children with autism often leave this stage unattended and it is as important as any other, because it is where the individual develops and marks what will be the rest of his or her life.

We must continue with therapies and not demonize adolescence in ASD and stop, on the contrary it is as important as childhood and adulthood, ASD is a constant change, a constant learning and we cannot assume that things stagnate and stop.

See you next time


Greetings friend. We must always be aware of our children in their development, never lower our guard and even more if we know that they bring some problem, support them and move on with them, not make the mistake of not accepting the conditions that it brings. Thanks for such valuable information

It often happens that we always pay attention to children and in adolescence we let our guard down, not only with autism, we must be more vigilant.
thank you for your contribution

 3 years ago 

I have a friend who realized in time that her son had this condition so to speak, and she really follows to the letter the indications that her doctor told her and applying the indicated therapies the child has a great improvement.

Hi @mariu.espinoza, often as a parent or close relative of a person with ASD we are in total ignorance or even worse we do not want to accept it (serious mistake), it is important to be attentive to the behavioral changes of our children not justify it as part of their development. In order not to make these mistakes it is good that we inform ourselves about people with ASD and thus know how to approach it. Greetings

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