Your Emotions can determine the success or failure in your Business

in Project HOPE4 years ago

In the world of Business, there are a lot of factors that can either determine the positivity and negativity happening in a business.

We have hear most of the time how marketing can help or go a long way in deciding the success of a business if well used and utilised .


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Not only that, we have also learned about the actor proper advertisement when properly used and incorporated in a business, it can also go a long way in deciding the success of a business.

In all these things, we are all familiar with because either we hear about it daily or we come across ir daily and also we tend to see it happening daily in our business or in other business.

But one major factor that people ignore is the aspect of your emotions. As a employee or employer, I can vividly tell you that your emotions always go a long way in deciding also the success or failure happening in your business.

When you learn to control your emotions and also learn to add positivity to your emotions in your business, it can definitely go a long way in the success of your business and same also when you allow negativity to fill and dominate your emotions in a business irrespective of the post you hold or the position and influence you hold and determine in your business, it can serve as a long determining factor in the failure of your business.

As an employee or employer, we must learn to use our emotional properly in the business sector we find ourselves and not only that we must learn to control our emotions so as to avoid letting our emotions attract negativity to our side

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Emotions are certainly important and play a very important role in our life. I think that we should not control our emotions and let them flow as and when it happens. You shared such a nice post about this. Nice post buddy.

@tipu curate

Hi @mandate
Emotional intelligence was very "fashionable" at some point, for some time now it has been downplayed, however, it is indisputable that many of the problems we have today are due to poor management of emotions.

Hello @mandate
The control of emotions is vital in business, people who work in a company should not be allowed to cause uncomfortable situations for the rest of the workers, as a result of a lack of control of their emotions.
Just as we ourselves must learn to manage our emotions and gain control of them.
This is the key.
Best regards.

When you learn to control your emotions and also learn to add positivity to your emotions in your business, it can definitely go a long way in the success of your business

Exactly friend @mandate
Controlling your emotions is the difficult task but not impossible and if we experience it one time, we will easily learn it. thank you much for such information.

I agree with you my friend @mandate, learning to manage emotions is very important in business as well as in any aspect of our life. Sometimes people tend to invest in something they don't know guided only by an emotion of the moment, something that later can turn out very bad, just as angry we can make bad decisions too.

I tell you that an emotionally unbalanced individual cannot properly handle a business, because a lot of customers will be sent away and the entrepreneur will not even get the chance to explain.

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